Contenido del Curso
PyTorch Essentials
PyTorch Essentials
1. PyTorch Introduction
What is PyTorch?Introduction to TensorsTensor Creation FunctionsChallenge: Initializing TensorsCreating Random TensorsChallenge: Initializing Model Weights and BiasesMathematical Operations with TensorsChallenge: Performing Mathematical OperationsShapes and Dimensions in PyTorchChallenge: Reshaping Tensors
3. Neural Networks in PyTorch
Challenge: Performing Mathematical Operations
Swipe to start coding
- Compute the sum of each row in the given tensor and retain the dimensions of the output.
- Calculate the mean of each column in the tensor.
- Find the maximum value of each row.
- Normalize the tensor by dividing each element by the overall sum of the tensor.
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Sección 1. Capítulo 8
Challenge: Performing Mathematical Operations
Swipe to start coding
- Compute the sum of each row in the given tensor and retain the dimensions of the output.
- Calculate the mean of each column in the tensor.
- Find the maximum value of each row.
- Normalize the tensor by dividing each element by the overall sum of the tensor.
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Sección 1. Capítulo 8