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Comments in R | Basic Syntax and Operations
R Introduction: Part I
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R Introduction: Part I

R Introduction: Part I

1. Basic Syntax and Operations
2. Basic Data Types and Vectors
3. Factors

bookComments in R

When you've written an extensive script for research and need to revisit it later for updates or improvements, remembering the purpose of each line of code can be challenging. That’s where annotations within the code, known as comments, become invaluable.

For instance, we can add comments in two ways: as a standalone line and alongside a computation:

# Some calculation 11 + 3 # eleven plus three

The console will only show the result of 11 + 3 and ignore all the comments.

Comments are useful not just for clarification, but also for debugging purposes, allowing you to deactivate certain lines of code without deleting them.


To make the code executable by deactivating certain lines, apply the hash # symbol to correct the errors.

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Sección 1. Capítulo 4
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bookComments in R

When you've written an extensive script for research and need to revisit it later for updates or improvements, remembering the purpose of each line of code can be challenging. That’s where annotations within the code, known as comments, become invaluable.

For instance, we can add comments in two ways: as a standalone line and alongside a computation:

# Some calculation 11 + 3 # eleven plus three

The console will only show the result of 11 + 3 and ignore all the comments.

Comments are useful not just for clarification, but also for debugging purposes, allowing you to deactivate certain lines of code without deleting them.


To make the code executable by deactivating certain lines, apply the hash # symbol to correct the errors.

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Sección 1. Capítulo 4
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bookComments in R

When you've written an extensive script for research and need to revisit it later for updates or improvements, remembering the purpose of each line of code can be challenging. That’s where annotations within the code, known as comments, become invaluable.

For instance, we can add comments in two ways: as a standalone line and alongside a computation:

# Some calculation 11 + 3 # eleven plus three

The console will only show the result of 11 + 3 and ignore all the comments.

Comments are useful not just for clarification, but also for debugging purposes, allowing you to deactivate certain lines of code without deleting them.


To make the code executable by deactivating certain lines, apply the hash # symbol to correct the errors.

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When you've written an extensive script for research and need to revisit it later for updates or improvements, remembering the purpose of each line of code can be challenging. That’s where annotations within the code, known as comments, become invaluable.

For instance, we can add comments in two ways: as a standalone line and alongside a computation:

# Some calculation 11 + 3 # eleven plus three

The console will only show the result of 11 + 3 and ignore all the comments.

Comments are useful not just for clarification, but also for debugging purposes, allowing you to deactivate certain lines of code without deleting them.


To make the code executable by deactivating certain lines, apply the hash # symbol to correct the errors.

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Sección 1. Capítulo 4
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