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Arbitrary Keyword Arguments | Arbitrary Arguments
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Python Functions Tutorial

Arbitrary Keyword ArgumentsArbitrary Keyword Arguments

In programming, there's a special syntax for passing any number of named parameters to a function. This syntax is called **kwargs.

**kwargs allows a function to accept any number of named arguments and treat them as a dictionary.

In this example, **kwargs receives named arguments and prints their keys and values.


The .items() method is used to obtain a list of key-value pairs (items) from a dictionary in Python. Each element in this list is represented as a tuple (key, value).


  1. Fill in the blanks (___) in the function definition so that it can accept a variable number of key-value pairs representing item names and their costs using keyword arguments **kwargs.
  2. Fill in the blanks (___) in the loop to correctly calculate the total cost of the items stored in the **kwargs variable.

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Sección 3. Capítulo 2
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Contenido del Curso

Python Functions Tutorial

Arbitrary Keyword ArgumentsArbitrary Keyword Arguments

In programming, there's a special syntax for passing any number of named parameters to a function. This syntax is called **kwargs.

**kwargs allows a function to accept any number of named arguments and treat them as a dictionary.

In this example, **kwargs receives named arguments and prints their keys and values.


The .items() method is used to obtain a list of key-value pairs (items) from a dictionary in Python. Each element in this list is represented as a tuple (key, value).


  1. Fill in the blanks (___) in the function definition so that it can accept a variable number of key-value pairs representing item names and their costs using keyword arguments **kwargs.
  2. Fill in the blanks (___) in the loop to correctly calculate the total cost of the items stored in the **kwargs variable.

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Sección 3. Capítulo 2
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