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The This Keyword | Fundamentals of OOP

The This KeywordThe This Keyword

The this keyword holds a special significance within the context of object-oriented programming (OOP). It refers to the current object instance. Understanding how this works is crucial for effectively managing object state and accessing member variables and functions.

Understanding the this keyword

When a member function is invoked, it implicitly receives a pointer to the object that invoked it. This pointer is accessible through the this keyword. The this keyword allows member functions to access the member variables and member functions of the current object.



When you use the dot operator (.) to access member variables or member functions within a class, the this pointer implicitly points to the object for which the member function is called. This is often valuable in various scenarios and commonly employed to avoid ambiguity in variables names.




The value of the attribute hasn't changed because the program doesn't differentiate which number we're referring to, as they share the same names.

Here, we can utilize the this keyword since it points to the current object as a pointer. To access its attributes, we must use the -> operator.



Using the this keyword is a widespread practice across various scenarios. It's often employed, particularly in large classes, to signify that a variable is a member of the classes and not an external parameter or argument.

1. What does the `this` keyword refer to object-oriented programming?
2. Which of the following one of the purpose of the `this` keyword?

What does the this keyword refer to object-oriented programming?

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Which of the following one of the purpose of the this keyword?

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Sección 1. Capítulo 7

The This KeywordThe This Keyword

The this keyword holds a special significance within the context of object-oriented programming (OOP). It refers to the current object instance. Understanding how this works is crucial for effectively managing object state and accessing member variables and functions.

Understanding the this keyword

When a member function is invoked, it implicitly receives a pointer to the object that invoked it. This pointer is accessible through the this keyword. The this keyword allows member functions to access the member variables and member functions of the current object.



When you use the dot operator (.) to access member variables or member functions within a class, the this pointer implicitly points to the object for which the member function is called. This is often valuable in various scenarios and commonly employed to avoid ambiguity in variables names.




The value of the attribute hasn't changed because the program doesn't differentiate which number we're referring to, as they share the same names.

Here, we can utilize the this keyword since it points to the current object as a pointer. To access its attributes, we must use the -> operator.



Using the this keyword is a widespread practice across various scenarios. It's often employed, particularly in large classes, to signify that a variable is a member of the classes and not an external parameter or argument.

1. What does the `this` keyword refer to object-oriented programming?
2. Which of the following one of the purpose of the `this` keyword?

What does the this keyword refer to object-oriented programming?

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Which of the following one of the purpose of the this keyword?

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¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 1. Capítulo 7