Contenido del Curso
Intermediate Python Techniques
Intermediate Python Techniques
1. Mastering Packing and Unpacking in Python
2. Mastering Function Arguments in Python
Python Function Arguments: Overview of Parameters and ArgumentsUsing *args in Python: Handling Variable-Length Positional ArgumentsChallenge: Calculating the Average Mark with *argsUsing **kwargs in Python: Flexible Keyword Arguments for Dynamic FunctionsChallenge: Mastering **kwargs in Python Functions
4. Understanding Variable Scope in Python
Global Variables in Python: Accessing and Modifying Global DataLocal Variables in Python: Understanding Function-Level ScopeChallenge: Modifying a Global Variable in PythonNested Functions in Python: Scope and AccessibilityNonlocal Variables in Python: Working with Enclosed ScopesPython Closures: Retaining State in Nested FunctionsChallenge: Implementing a Threshold Checker with Closures
5. Mastering Python Decorators
Introduction to Python DecoratorsPython Decorator Syntax: Writing and Applying DecoratorsChallenge: Create Your First Python DecoratorUsing Decorators with Parameters in PythonChaining Multiple Decorators: Advanced Function ModificationsChallenge: Basic Smores RecipePractical Examples of Python Decorator Usage in Real Applications
Python Function Arguments: Overview of Parameters and Arguments
First of all, let`s learn what positional, keyword, and optional arguments are.
The example above uses positional arguments. If you pass a different number of arguments, an error will occur. To call the function add(1, 2, 3)
, you just pass the arguments by their positions. The positional argument is a mandatory one.
Also, you can pass arguments using names. And there are keyword arguments. In this case, you do not need to follow the order of the arguments.
def add(a, b, c = 0): return a + b + c print(add(1, 2)) print(add(1, 2, 3))
After giving a default value to the argument, it becomes an optional one. So, you may pass it, and if not, the function will use the default value.
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Sección 2. Capítulo 1