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High-Order Functions | Function as an Argument
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Intermediate Python: Arguments, Scopes and Decorators

High-Order FunctionsHigh-Order Functions

A high-order function in programming is a function that can either take other functions as arguments or return a function as its result, or both. This concept is closely related to first-class functions, which are treated like any other variable in a language (can be stored in a variable, passed as an argument to a function, or used in control statements). High-order functions are a key feature in functional programming, enabling more abstract or general-purpose code, facilitating code reuse, and making it easier to manipulate functions or data.

A classic example of a high-order function is the map function in Python. This function takes two arguments: a function and an iterable (like a list). It applies the given function to each item of the iterable and returns a map object (which can be easily converted into a list or another iterable type).

In this example:

  • square is a simple function that squares its input.
  • map is the high-order function that takes square and a list of numbers as arguments.
  • The result is each number in the list numbers squared.


Suppose you have a list of temperatures in Celsius, and you want to convert all of them to Fahrenheit. The goal will be to apply a custom transformation to each element in the list using map.

  • Create a list of numeric values representing temperatures in Celsius.
  • Define a function that converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  • Apply the custom function to each element in the list using map.
  • Convert the result from map into a list and print it to see the converted temperatures.

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Sección 3. Capítulo 1
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course content

Contenido del Curso

Intermediate Python: Arguments, Scopes and Decorators

High-Order FunctionsHigh-Order Functions

A high-order function in programming is a function that can either take other functions as arguments or return a function as its result, or both. This concept is closely related to first-class functions, which are treated like any other variable in a language (can be stored in a variable, passed as an argument to a function, or used in control statements). High-order functions are a key feature in functional programming, enabling more abstract or general-purpose code, facilitating code reuse, and making it easier to manipulate functions or data.

A classic example of a high-order function is the map function in Python. This function takes two arguments: a function and an iterable (like a list). It applies the given function to each item of the iterable and returns a map object (which can be easily converted into a list or another iterable type).

In this example:

  • square is a simple function that squares its input.
  • map is the high-order function that takes square and a list of numbers as arguments.
  • The result is each number in the list numbers squared.


Suppose you have a list of temperatures in Celsius, and you want to convert all of them to Fahrenheit. The goal will be to apply a custom transformation to each element in the list using map.

  • Create a list of numeric values representing temperatures in Celsius.
  • Define a function that converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  • Apply the custom function to each element in the list using map.
  • Convert the result from map into a list and print it to see the converted temperatures.

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 3. Capítulo 1
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