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Aprende Setting Up the Project Structure | Building REST APIs with Node.js and Express.js
Backend Development with Node.js and Express.js
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Backend Development with Node.js and Express.js

Backend Development with Node.js and Express.js

1. Introduction to Node.js and Backend Development
2. Building Console Applications with Node.js
3. Developing Web Applications with Express.js
4. Building REST APIs with Node.js and Express.js

Setting Up the Project Structure

In this chapter, we'll take a closer look at the project's structure. Maintaining a well-organized structure becomes crucial as we build the entire application. Below, we'll outline the key directories and files we'll encounter in our project:

Project Initial Files

You can access the initial project files and folders on Github If you're new to GitHub, follow the simple two-step process illustrated below to download the project.

Project Structure Overview

Let's explore the purpose of each directory and file. The image below provides a visual representation of the project's structure:

Now, let's delve into the purpose of each directory and file:

  1. index.js: This serves as the application's main entry point. Within this file, we set up the Express server, configure middleware, define routes, and initiate the server;

    • Initialization of the Express application;
    • Configuration of middleware, such as express.json(), for JSON request parsing;
    • Route definition and error-handling middleware;
    • Starting the Express server on a specified port (e.g., 3000).
  2. routes/: This directory contains route definitions for various API endpoints. Organizing routes into separate modules helps keep the codebase clean;

    • Creating distinct route files for different functionalities (e.g., user management, tweets, posts, authentication);
    • Organization and modularization of route handling code.
  3. routes/postsRoutes.js: Specifically handling routes related to posts (tweets) within the application;

    • Definition of routes for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting posts (tweets);
    • Management of interactions with the posts.json data file.
  4. middlewares/: Middleware functions stored in this directory are essential for various tasks like validation, authentication, and authorization. They promote code reusability;

    • Segregation of middleware functions into individual modules;
    • Use of middleware for tasks such as data validation, user authentication, and error handling.
  5. middlewares/validateData.js: This middleware function focuses on data validation within incoming requests. It ensures that the submitted data meets the required criteria;

    • Examination of incoming data for correctness before processing;
    • Appropriate error responses in cases of invalid or missing data.
  6. database/: This directory houses the data storage for the application;

  7. database/posts.json: In this file, we store our data - in our case, posts - in JSON format;

  8. node_modules/: Automatically generated when we run npm i express, this directory contains all the external libraries and modules utilized in the project;

  9. package.json and package-lock.json: These files list all the packages upon which the project depends.

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