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Creating a Neural Network Layer | Tensors
Introduction to TensorFlow

Creating a Neural Network LayerCreating a Neural Network Layer

Single Neural Network Layer

In a basic feed-forward neural network, the output of a neuron in a layer is calculated using the weighted sum of its inputs, passed through an activation function. This can be represented as:

output = activation(inputs * weights + bias)


  • weights: A matrix representing the weights associated with connections to the neuron;
  • inputs: A column matrix (or vector) representing the input values to the neuron;
  • bias: A scalar value;
  • activation: An activation function, such as the sigmoid function.

To achieve the best performance, all calculations are performed using matrices. We will cope with this task in the same way.


Given weights, inputs, and bias for a single neuron layer, compute its output using matrix multiplication and the sigmoid activation function. Consider a layer with 3 inputs and 2 neurons, taking a single batch containing just one sample.

  1. Determining Shapes:
    • The shape of the input matrix I should have its first dimension representing the number of samples in the batch. Given one sample with 3 inputs, its size will be 1x3.
    • The weight matrix W should have its columns representing input weights for each neuron. So for 2 neurons with 3 inputs, the expected shape is 3x2. This isn't the case, so you need to transpose the weight matrix to achieve the required shape.
  2. Matrix Multiplication:
    • With the matrices in the correct shape, perform the matrix multiplication.
    • Recall that in matrix multiplication, the output is derived from the dot product of each row of the first matrix with each column of the second matrix. Ensure you multiply in the right order.
  3. Bias Addition:
    • Simply perform an element-wise addition of the result from the matrix multiplication with the bias.
  4. Applying Activation:
    • Use the sigmoid activation function on the outcome from the bias addition to get the output of the neuron.
    • TensorFlow provides the sigmoid function as tf.sigmoid().


In the end of the course we'll delve into implementing a complete feed-forward network using TensorFlow. This exercise is setting the foundation for that.

Code Description
# Define layer weights, layer inputs and layer bias

Here, we are defining the weights, inputs, and bias for the layer. We are using tf.Variable() for weights and bias as these are trainable parameters in neural networks, and tf.constant() for the input as it remains unchanged during training. dtype=tf.float64 is set for the best precision.

W = tf.Variable([[0.5, 0.4, 0.7], [0.1, 0.9, 0.5]], dtype=tf.float64)

This is the weight matrix for the neural layer. Each row represents the weights for one neuron with respect to each input.

I = tf.constant([[0.5, 0.6, 0.1]], dtype=tf.float64)

This is the input matrix, representing a single sample with 3 features.

b = tf.Variable(0.1, dtype=tf.float64)

This is the bias value. It's a scalar that's added to the weighted sum before passing through the activation function.

W = tf.transpose(W)

The weights are organized in rows, but for matrix multiplication, they should be in columns. Therefore, we transpose the matrix. After this, the first column corresponds to the weights of the first neuron, and the second column to those of the second neuron.

weighted_sum = tf.matmul(I, W)

Here, we compute the matrix multiplication of the input and the transposed weight matrix. This gives us the weighted sum of the inputs.

Let's break down this matrix multiplication step by step:

Determine the Shape of Resultant Matrix:
The resulting matrix will have the number of rows from the first matrix (matrix I with shape 1x3) and the number of columns from the second matrix (matrix W with shape 3x2). Thus, the resulting matrix will be of shape 1x2.

Matrix Multiplication Process:
For the first element of the resulting matrix (let's call it S[0][0] for "weighted sum"):
  • Multiply the first element of the first row of matrix I by the first element of the first column of matrix W: 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25;
  • Multiply the second element of the first row of matrix I by the second element of the first column of matrix W: 0.6 * 0.4 = 0.24;
  • Multiply the third element of the first row of matrix I by the third element of the first column of matrix W: 0.1 * 0.7 = 0.07;
  • Sum these products: 0.25 + 0.24 + 0.07 = 0.56.
  • So, S[0][0] is 0.56.

    For the second element of the resulting matrix (S[0][1]):
  • Multiply the first element of the first row of matrix I by the first element of the second column of matrix W: 0.5 * 0.1 = 0.05;
  • Multiply the second element of the first row of matrix I by the second element of the second column of matrix W: 0.6 * 0.9 = 0.54;
  • Multiply the third element of the first row of matrix I by the third element of the second column of matrix W: 0.1 * 0.5 = 0.05;
  • Sum these products: 0.05 + 0.54 + 0.05 = 0.64.
  • So, S[0][1] is 0.64.

    Thus, the resulting matrix S from multiplying matrix I and matrix W is:

    [ [0.56, 0.64] ]

    biased_sum = weighted_sum + b

    The bias is added to the weighted sum. This is a form of affine transformation which shifts the result to achieve better fitting during training.

    neuron_output = tf.sigmoid(biased_sum)

    The sigmoid function squashes the value between 0 and 1, ensuring our output is in a normalized range. It's commonly used in binary classification problems.

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    Contenido del Curso

    Introduction to TensorFlow

    Creating a Neural Network LayerCreating a Neural Network Layer

    Single Neural Network Layer

    In a basic feed-forward neural network, the output of a neuron in a layer is calculated using the weighted sum of its inputs, passed through an activation function. This can be represented as:

    output = activation(inputs * weights + bias)


    • weights: A matrix representing the weights associated with connections to the neuron;
    • inputs: A column matrix (or vector) representing the input values to the neuron;
    • bias: A scalar value;
    • activation: An activation function, such as the sigmoid function.

    To achieve the best performance, all calculations are performed using matrices. We will cope with this task in the same way.


    Given weights, inputs, and bias for a single neuron layer, compute its output using matrix multiplication and the sigmoid activation function. Consider a layer with 3 inputs and 2 neurons, taking a single batch containing just one sample.

    1. Determining Shapes:
      • The shape of the input matrix I should have its first dimension representing the number of samples in the batch. Given one sample with 3 inputs, its size will be 1x3.
      • The weight matrix W should have its columns representing input weights for each neuron. So for 2 neurons with 3 inputs, the expected shape is 3x2. This isn't the case, so you need to transpose the weight matrix to achieve the required shape.
    2. Matrix Multiplication:
      • With the matrices in the correct shape, perform the matrix multiplication.
      • Recall that in matrix multiplication, the output is derived from the dot product of each row of the first matrix with each column of the second matrix. Ensure you multiply in the right order.
    3. Bias Addition:
      • Simply perform an element-wise addition of the result from the matrix multiplication with the bias.
    4. Applying Activation:
      • Use the sigmoid activation function on the outcome from the bias addition to get the output of the neuron.
      • TensorFlow provides the sigmoid function as tf.sigmoid().


    In the end of the course we'll delve into implementing a complete feed-forward network using TensorFlow. This exercise is setting the foundation for that.

    Code Description
    # Define layer weights, layer inputs and layer bias

    Here, we are defining the weights, inputs, and bias for the layer. We are using tf.Variable() for weights and bias as these are trainable parameters in neural networks, and tf.constant() for the input as it remains unchanged during training. dtype=tf.float64 is set for the best precision.

    W = tf.Variable([[0.5, 0.4, 0.7], [0.1, 0.9, 0.5]], dtype=tf.float64)

    This is the weight matrix for the neural layer. Each row represents the weights for one neuron with respect to each input.

    I = tf.constant([[0.5, 0.6, 0.1]], dtype=tf.float64)

    This is the input matrix, representing a single sample with 3 features.

    b = tf.Variable(0.1, dtype=tf.float64)

    This is the bias value. It's a scalar that's added to the weighted sum before passing through the activation function.

    W = tf.transpose(W)

    The weights are organized in rows, but for matrix multiplication, they should be in columns. Therefore, we transpose the matrix. After this, the first column corresponds to the weights of the first neuron, and the second column to those of the second neuron.

    weighted_sum = tf.matmul(I, W)

    Here, we compute the matrix multiplication of the input and the transposed weight matrix. This gives us the weighted sum of the inputs.

    Let's break down this matrix multiplication step by step:

    Determine the Shape of Resultant Matrix:
    The resulting matrix will have the number of rows from the first matrix (matrix I with shape 1x3) and the number of columns from the second matrix (matrix W with shape 3x2). Thus, the resulting matrix will be of shape 1x2.

    Matrix Multiplication Process:
    For the first element of the resulting matrix (let's call it S[0][0] for "weighted sum"):
  • Multiply the first element of the first row of matrix I by the first element of the first column of matrix W: 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25;
  • Multiply the second element of the first row of matrix I by the second element of the first column of matrix W: 0.6 * 0.4 = 0.24;
  • Multiply the third element of the first row of matrix I by the third element of the first column of matrix W: 0.1 * 0.7 = 0.07;
  • Sum these products: 0.25 + 0.24 + 0.07 = 0.56.
  • So, S[0][0] is 0.56.

    For the second element of the resulting matrix (S[0][1]):
  • Multiply the first element of the first row of matrix I by the first element of the second column of matrix W: 0.5 * 0.1 = 0.05;
  • Multiply the second element of the first row of matrix I by the second element of the second column of matrix W: 0.6 * 0.9 = 0.54;
  • Multiply the third element of the first row of matrix I by the third element of the second column of matrix W: 0.1 * 0.5 = 0.05;
  • Sum these products: 0.05 + 0.54 + 0.05 = 0.64.
  • So, S[0][1] is 0.64.

    Thus, the resulting matrix S from multiplying matrix I and matrix W is:

    [ [0.56, 0.64] ]

    biased_sum = weighted_sum + b

    The bias is added to the weighted sum. This is a form of affine transformation which shifts the result to achieve better fitting during training.

    neuron_output = tf.sigmoid(biased_sum)

    The sigmoid function squashes the value between 0 and 1, ensuring our output is in a normalized range. It's commonly used in binary classification problems.

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    Sección 1. Capítulo 10
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