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Practicing Methods | Structs & Enumerators
C# Beyond Basics

Practicing MethodsPracticing Methods

The code contains a struct called Cypher which basically represents a kind of Caesar cipher.

The Caesar cipher is a text encoding method that makes messages unreadable by shifting each letter by a fixed number of positions in the alphabet or ASCII characters. For instance, shifting each character in "HelloWorld" by 7 positions according to the ASCII table, gives "Olssv^vysk." It's like a secret code where each letter is replaced by another letter a certain number of steps away. You can think of it as a simple way to hide messages or text.
You can read about Caesar cipher at it's Wikipedia Page, however, it's not necessary for solving this practice problem.

Read the code and fill in the blanks to make sure it works properly. The following is how the final program is supposed to be:

  1. setText method converts the passed text into encoded text and stores it into the field text. This method takes one stringargument calledtext`, and the method does not return any value.
  2. rawText returns the text field content. This method takes no arguments.
  3. decodedText decodes the text field content and returns the result. This method also doesn't take any arguments.


1. It is a good practice to use this keyword wherever we are referring to the struct fields.
2. We use the void keyword as a return value in case the method doesn't return any value.

using System;

struct Cypher
    public string text;

    public void setText(string text)
        string encodedText = "";

        foreach (char chr in text)
            encodedText += (char)(chr + 7);

        this.text = encodedText;

    public string rawText()
        return this.text;

    public string decodedText()
        string decodedText = "";

        foreach (char chr in this.text)
            decodedText += (char)(chr - 7);

        return decodedText;

class ConsoleApp
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Cypher text1 = new Cypher();

        text1.setText("This is an example sentence.");


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Sección 2. Capítulo 7
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C# Beyond Basics

Practicing MethodsPracticing Methods

The code contains a struct called Cypher which basically represents a kind of Caesar cipher.

The Caesar cipher is a text encoding method that makes messages unreadable by shifting each letter by a fixed number of positions in the alphabet or ASCII characters. For instance, shifting each character in "HelloWorld" by 7 positions according to the ASCII table, gives "Olssv^vysk." It's like a secret code where each letter is replaced by another letter a certain number of steps away. You can think of it as a simple way to hide messages or text.
You can read about Caesar cipher at it's Wikipedia Page, however, it's not necessary for solving this practice problem.

Read the code and fill in the blanks to make sure it works properly. The following is how the final program is supposed to be:

  1. setText method converts the passed text into encoded text and stores it into the field text. This method takes one stringargument calledtext`, and the method does not return any value.
  2. rawText returns the text field content. This method takes no arguments.
  3. decodedText decodes the text field content and returns the result. This method also doesn't take any arguments.


1. It is a good practice to use this keyword wherever we are referring to the struct fields.
2. We use the void keyword as a return value in case the method doesn't return any value.

using System;

struct Cypher
    public string text;

    public void setText(string text)
        string encodedText = "";

        foreach (char chr in text)
            encodedText += (char)(chr + 7);

        this.text = encodedText;

    public string rawText()
        return this.text;

    public string decodedText()
        string decodedText = "";

        foreach (char chr in this.text)
            decodedText += (char)(chr - 7);

        return decodedText;

class ConsoleApp
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Cypher text1 = new Cypher();

        text1.setText("This is an example sentence.");


¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 2. Capítulo 7