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CSS Fundamentals
CSS Fundamentals
Text Colors
Applying text color
Text color can be added to a text element with the help of the CSS property color
, giving it a value of any color. Modern browsers support three variants of color values: RGB, hex, and color names. Let's consider the following example. We will apply the color red to the text.
We can find some exciting color templates at
Background color
We can set the color of an element's background with the help of the background-color
Ways to specify color
There are three main ways: color name, hex, rgb.
Color name
We can use reserved color words. The list of reserved colors can be found at
Hex format
Hex represents colors as a six-digit code consisting of three pairs of two-digit values. Each pair represents the intensity of red, green, and blue (in that order).
Hex format values range from 00
(no intensity) to FF
(maximum intensity).
RGB Format
RGB represents colors as a series of three numbers that correspond to the intensity of red, green, and blue (in that order)
RGB format values range from 0
(no intensity) to 255
(maximum intensity).
Both hex and rgb values are widely used in web design, and the choice between them will depend on personal preferences and project requirements.
Transparency in rgb colors can be achieved by using the rgba
notation (red, green, blue, alpha), where alpha is the level of opacity or transparency of the color.
The alpha value can range from 0
(completely transparent) to 1
(completely opaque). For example, the RGBA value rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)
represents a green color with 50% opacity.
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