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Installing the Docker Desktop | Key Docker Concepts
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

Docker for Python Developers

Installing the Docker DesktopInstalling the Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop is an integrated development environment for Windows and macOS that provides a convenient and straightforward way to work with Docker. With Docker Desktop, developers can easily create, run, and manage containers using a graphical interface.

Before we begin, make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements for Docker. You can find these requirements on the official Docker website.

Download from Official Website

- Windows;

- MacOS.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 1. Capítulo 4
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

Docker for Python Developers

Installing the Docker DesktopInstalling the Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop is an integrated development environment for Windows and macOS that provides a convenient and straightforward way to work with Docker. With Docker Desktop, developers can easily create, run, and manage containers using a graphical interface.

Before we begin, make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements for Docker. You can find these requirements on the official Docker website.

Download from Official Website

- Windows;

- MacOS.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 1. Capítulo 4