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Challenge 3: Docker Compose | Advanced Concepts
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Conteúdo do Curso

Docker for Python Developers

Challenge 3: Docker Compose Challenge 3: Docker Compose


  • Clone this repository to explore this project:
  • Fill in all the blanks ( ___ ) in the Docker Compose file (docker-compose.yml) to configure the web application container. Use parameters to define the build context (build), set ports (ports), mount volumes (volumes), and execute a command (command).

To check the task, run the command below:

If the command above doesn't work, try inputting this python3 tests/

  • Run the commands below to build the container and start it:
  • Navigate in the browser to port

What is Docker Compose?

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Seção 4. Capítulo 4
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

Docker for Python Developers

Challenge 3: Docker Compose Challenge 3: Docker Compose


  • Clone this repository to explore this project:
  • Fill in all the blanks ( ___ ) in the Docker Compose file (docker-compose.yml) to configure the web application container. Use parameters to define the build context (build), set ports (ports), mount volumes (volumes), and execute a command (command).

To check the task, run the command below:

If the command above doesn't work, try inputting this python3 tests/

  • Run the commands below to build the container and start it:
  • Navigate in the browser to port

What is Docker Compose?

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Seção 4. Capítulo 4