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React Component | Introduction to React Fundamentals
Mastering React

React ComponentReact Component

In React, components are the fundamental building blocks of a user interface. They enable developers to create independent, reusable pieces of the user interface that can be combined to form more significant UI elements.

You can think of a React app as a tree of components, with the top-level component as the root. Each component is responsible for rendering JSX markup, defining the desired HTML structure displayed in the Browser DOM.

Functional Components

Functional components are JavaScript functions that return JSX code describing the UI element's structure and content. They are the modern approach to building React apps and are named with capital letters to distinguish them from HTML elements.

Functional components offer several advantages:

  • Less Boilerplate: Functional components reduce boilerplate code, making them more concise and easier to work with;
  • Easier to Perceive: They are easier to understand and perceive, especially for developers new to React;
  • Easier to Test: Functional components facilitate testing due to their straightforward nature;
  • No Context (this): Unlike class components, functional components don't involve context (this), simplifying your code. Here's an example of a functional component:

In this example, Product is a functional component representing a product card.

Functional components make up the majority of a React app's structure, serving as the essential building blocks for creating user interfaces.

1. What are components in React?
2. How should we name a functional component in React?

What are components in React?

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How should we name a functional component in React?

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Seção 1. Capítulo 8
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Mastering React

React ComponentReact Component

In React, components are the fundamental building blocks of a user interface. They enable developers to create independent, reusable pieces of the user interface that can be combined to form more significant UI elements.

You can think of a React app as a tree of components, with the top-level component as the root. Each component is responsible for rendering JSX markup, defining the desired HTML structure displayed in the Browser DOM.

Functional Components

Functional components are JavaScript functions that return JSX code describing the UI element's structure and content. They are the modern approach to building React apps and are named with capital letters to distinguish them from HTML elements.

Functional components offer several advantages:

  • Less Boilerplate: Functional components reduce boilerplate code, making them more concise and easier to work with;
  • Easier to Perceive: They are easier to understand and perceive, especially for developers new to React;
  • Easier to Test: Functional components facilitate testing due to their straightforward nature;
  • No Context (this): Unlike class components, functional components don't involve context (this), simplifying your code. Here's an example of a functional component:

In this example, Product is a functional component representing a product card.

Functional components make up the majority of a React app's structure, serving as the essential building blocks for creating user interfaces.

1. What are components in React?
2. How should we name a functional component in React?

What are components in React?

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How should we name a functional component in React?

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Seção 1. Capítulo 8