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String | Text Data Type
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C++ Data Types


Typically, rather than dealing with individual characters, we want to work with complete words, sentences, and texts, which are composed of a sequence of characters.

One way to do that is to use an array of char's like this:



You can see that initialization is quite tricky. Additionally, to add something to this text, you will need to redefine the array with more allocated memory. Fortunately, in C++, there is a string class that makes this process much easier.

So you can assign to a string any text within double quotes " ". Also, adding more text to a string is as easy as using the .append() method. Here is an example:



Besides .append(), there are many other methods of a string to allow you efficiently operate with text data. Here is the table with some. They will be discussed in more detail in later chapters.

Method Description
.append(str2) Adds new characters at the end of a string
.insert(pos, str2) Adds new characters at the desired position
.replace(start, n, str2) Replaces part of a string with new characters
.erase(start, n) Erases part of a string
.at(pos) Returns the character at desired position
.swap(str2) Swaps two strings
.find(str2) Finds the first occurrence of a substring
.rfind(str2) Finds the last occurrence of a substring
.length() Returns the length of a string
.capacity() Returns the size of allocated storage
.reserve(n) Allocates memory to hold n characters
.shrink_to_fit() Shrinks the capacity to a string's length


  • Create a string variable and store the name 'Alex' in it.
  • Output its value to the console.

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Seção 3. Capítulo 2
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Conteúdo do Curso

C++ Data Types


Typically, rather than dealing with individual characters, we want to work with complete words, sentences, and texts, which are composed of a sequence of characters.

One way to do that is to use an array of char's like this:



You can see that initialization is quite tricky. Additionally, to add something to this text, you will need to redefine the array with more allocated memory. Fortunately, in C++, there is a string class that makes this process much easier.

So you can assign to a string any text within double quotes " ". Also, adding more text to a string is as easy as using the .append() method. Here is an example:



Besides .append(), there are many other methods of a string to allow you efficiently operate with text data. Here is the table with some. They will be discussed in more detail in later chapters.

Method Description
.append(str2) Adds new characters at the end of a string
.insert(pos, str2) Adds new characters at the desired position
.replace(start, n, str2) Replaces part of a string with new characters
.erase(start, n) Erases part of a string
.at(pos) Returns the character at desired position
.swap(str2) Swaps two strings
.find(str2) Finds the first occurrence of a substring
.rfind(str2) Finds the last occurrence of a substring
.length() Returns the length of a string
.capacity() Returns the size of allocated storage
.reserve(n) Allocates memory to hold n characters
.shrink_to_fit() Shrinks the capacity to a string's length


  • Create a string variable and store the name 'Alex' in it.
  • Output its value to the console.

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Seção 3. Capítulo 2
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