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Aprenda Arithmetic Operations | Introduction
C++ Data Types
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C++ Data Types

C++ Data Types

1. Introduction
2. Numerical Data Types
3. Text Data Type
4. Other Data Types and Concepts

Arithmetic Operations

Setting the precision

As you already should know you can perform basic data manipulation using arithmetic operators such as addition (+), subtraction (-), division (/), and multiplication (*). Additionally, the modulus operator (%) calculates the remainder of a division.



#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { // Uncomment to see the difference // std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << std::setprecision(5) << 15.125 * 0.8309 << std::endl; }

In the example above, floating-point results may occasionally be produced during calculations. To manage the precision of these results, you can use std::setprecision in combination with std::fixed. This allows you to control the number of digits displayed after the decimal point, ensuring consistent precision in your output.


Without std::fixed, std::setprecision controls the total number of digits displayed, including both before and after the decimal points. With std::fixed, the number is displayed in fixed-point notation, keeping the decimal point in a fixed position.


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  1. Include <iomanip> to be able to set precision.
  2. Follow the comments to set a precision.
  3. Calculate and output the equivalent of 5 miles in kilometers rounding to one decimal place.


To convert 5 miles to kilometers, you would multiply the number of miles by the conversion factor (1.60934).




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Arithmetic Operations

Setting the precision

As you already should know you can perform basic data manipulation using arithmetic operators such as addition (+), subtraction (-), division (/), and multiplication (*). Additionally, the modulus operator (%) calculates the remainder of a division.



#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { // Uncomment to see the difference // std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << std::setprecision(5) << 15.125 * 0.8309 << std::endl; }

In the example above, floating-point results may occasionally be produced during calculations. To manage the precision of these results, you can use std::setprecision in combination with std::fixed. This allows you to control the number of digits displayed after the decimal point, ensuring consistent precision in your output.


Without std::fixed, std::setprecision controls the total number of digits displayed, including both before and after the decimal points. With std::fixed, the number is displayed in fixed-point notation, keeping the decimal point in a fixed position.


Swipe to start coding

  1. Include <iomanip> to be able to set precision.
  2. Follow the comments to set a precision.
  3. Calculate and output the equivalent of 5 miles in kilometers rounding to one decimal place.


To convert 5 miles to kilometers, you would multiply the number of miles by the conversion factor (1.60934).




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