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Aprenda Using NextAuth.js for Authentication | Implementing Authentication in Next.js
Next.js 14 Mastery for Building Modern Web Apps
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Next.js 14 Mastery for Building Modern Web Apps

Next.js 14 Mastery for Building Modern Web Apps

1. Introduction to Next.js
2. Setting Up a Next.js Project
3. Building Pages and Layouts in Next.js
4. Deploying a Next.js App and Setting Up a Database
5. Fetching and Displaying Data in Next.js
6. Advanced Next.js Features and Optimizations
7. Implementing Authentication in Next.js

Using NextAuth.js for Authentication

NextAuth.js is a tool to add authentication to our application easily. It handles the complexity of managing user sessions, sign-in, sign-out, and other authentication tasks. Instead of manually building these features, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors, NextAuth.js streamlines the process, offering a unified solution for authentication in Next.js applications.

Setting up NextAuth.js

Important: Windows users, please avoid using the PowerShell terminal and instead use the Bash terminal.

  • Install NextAuth.js: Use the command npm install next-auth@beta in the terminal to install the beta version of NextAuth.js. This version is compatible with Next.js 14;
  • Generate a Secret Key: Create a secret key to encrypt cookies, securing user sessions. Run openssl rand -base64 32 in the terminal to generate this key;
  • Add Key to .env File: Include the generated key in your .env file, assigning it to the AUTH_SECRET variable:
  • Update Environment Variables in Vercel: If you're deploying the app on Vercel for production, update environment variables there too.

In Practice

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