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Aprenda Understanding Class Declarations in JavaScript | Mastering JavaScript Classes and Inheritance
Advanced JavaScript Mastery
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Advanced JavaScript Mastery

Advanced JavaScript Mastery

3. Event Handling and User Interactions in JavaScript
4. Asynchronous JavaScript and API Integration

Understanding Class Declarations in JavaScript

In this section, we will be concentrating on JavaScript classes.

Why Learn Classes in JavaScript?

Classes in JavaScript provide a more organized and cleaner way to create objects, especially for larger applications. They promote code reusability and structure and simplify inheritance. While not mandatory, classes help manage complexity and make code easier to read, maintain, and extend, especially when working with object-oriented principles.

What is a Class in JavaScript?

Think of a class like the blueprint an architect uses to design a house. The blueprint itself isn't a house, but it provides the instructions for building one. Every time you build a new house, you follow the same blueprint, but each house can have unique details—like different colors, materials, or custom features.

In the same way, a class in JavaScript is like a blueprint for creating objects. It defines the structure (properties) and behavior (methods) of those objects. Each time you create an object (an instance) from the class, it follows the same design, but its values can vary, just like how each house can look different.

How to Declare a Class

Declaring a class in JavaScript is simple. Use the class keyword followed by the name of the class. The class body, where properties and methods are defined, is enclosed in curly braces {}.

In this example, we declare a class named Animal. Classes in JavaScript are not hoisted, meaning you must declare the class before using it.

The Constructor Method

If the class is the blueprint, the constructor is like the construction crew that takes the blueprint and assembles the house. When you build a house (create an object), the crew (constructor) assembles the foundation, walls, roof, and other components according to the instructions.

Similarly, the constructor in a class initializes the object's properties based on the arguments you pass - just like customizing the house’s paint color or floor type. Every time you create a new instance, the constructor ensures the object is built with the correct details.

class Animal { constructor(name, type) { = name; this.type = type; } } const lion = new Animal('Lion', 'Wild'); console.log(; // Output: Lion console.log(lion.type); // Output: Wild const pig = new Animal('Pig', 'Domestic'); console.log(; // Output: Pig console.log(pig.type); // Output: Domestic

The constructor allows you to pass initial values when creating objects, making it flexible for initializing different objects with custom details.

1. Why are classes beneficial in JavaScript, especially for larger applications?

2. Which keyword is used to declare a class?

3. What role does the constructor method play in a class?

4. What will the following code output?

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Why are classes beneficial in JavaScript, especially for larger applications?

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Which keyword is used to declare a class?

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What role does the constructor method play in a class?

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What will the following code output?

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