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Aprenda Grouping by multiple columns | Grouping
SQL Basics
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Conteúdo do Curso

SQL Basics

SQL Basics

1. Selecting
2. Filtering
3. Aggregating
4. Sorting
5. Grouping
6. Practicing

Grouping by multiple columns

Can we group observations based on multiple columns? For example, we can group all cars by year and engine size and find the most expensive within these.

To group by multiple columns use the same approach as for sorting by multiple columns: just put it within GROUP BY statement separated with a comma. The query for the example above will look like this:

SELECT year, enginesize, AVG(price) FROM audi_cars GROUP BY year, enginesize

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From the audi_cars table calculate the maximum, average, and minimum price for each model manufactured in different years.


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Grouping by multiple columns

Can we group observations based on multiple columns? For example, we can group all cars by year and engine size and find the most expensive within these.

To group by multiple columns use the same approach as for sorting by multiple columns: just put it within GROUP BY statement separated with a comma. The query for the example above will look like this:

SELECT year, enginesize, AVG(price) FROM audi_cars GROUP BY year, enginesize

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From the audi_cars table calculate the maximum, average, and minimum price for each model manufactured in different years.


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