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Aprenda Assignment Operators in JavaScript | Performing Operations in JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript
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Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript

1. JavaScript Fundamentals
2. Variables and Data Types in JavaScript
3. Performing Operations in JavaScript
4. Controlling Program Flow with Conditional Statements
5. Looping Through Data in JavaScript
6. Functions in JavaScript

Assignment Operators in JavaScript

Readability in code is essential, and JavaScript offers ways to make your code more elegant. In this chapter, we'll explore operations with assignments, which can streamline your code.

JavaScript provides several assignment operators:

  • Addition Assignment (+=);
  • Subtraction Assignment (-=);
  • Multiplication Assignment (*=);
  • Division Assignment (/=);
  • Remainder (Modulo) Assignment (%=);
  • Exponentiation Assignment (**=).

Assignment operators are used to enhance code readability.

Consider the following example:

let a = 17; a += 5; console.log(a);

This code is equivalent to the following:

let a = 17; a = a + 5; console.log(a);

The expression a += 5 accomplishes the same as a = a + 5.

Let's look at other assignment operators and their default counterparts:

With AssignmentDefault
a += 6a = a + 6
a -= 6a = a - 6
a *= 6a = a * 6
a /= 6a = a / 6
a %= 6a = a % 6
a **= 6a = a ** 6
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