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Aprenda Displot | Distributions of Data
Deep Dive into the seaborn Visualization
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Deep Dive into the seaborn Visualization

Deep Dive into the seaborn Visualization

1. Light Start
2. Distributions of Data
3. Categorical Plot Types
4. Matrix Plots
5. Multi-Plot Grids
6. Regression Models



displot = FacetGrid(we will study this plot later) + histplot/kdeplot/ecdfplot

The displot provides access to several approaches for visualizing the univariate or bivariate distribution of data, including subsets of data defined by semantic mapping and faceting across multiple subplots.

The kind parameter selects the approach to use: histplot, kdeplot, ecdfplot.


Swipe to start coding

  1. Set the 'darkgrid' style.
  2. Create the displot using the seaborn library:
  • Set the x parameter equals the 'carat';
  • Set the hue parameter equals the 'cut';
  • Set the col parameter equals the 'color';
  • Set the kind parameter equals the 'kde';
  • Set the multiple parameter equals the 'fill';
  • Set the palette equals the 'viridis';
  • Set the data.


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displot = FacetGrid(we will study this plot later) + histplot/kdeplot/ecdfplot

The displot provides access to several approaches for visualizing the univariate or bivariate distribution of data, including subsets of data defined by semantic mapping and faceting across multiple subplots.

The kind parameter selects the approach to use: histplot, kdeplot, ecdfplot.


Swipe to start coding

  1. Set the 'darkgrid' style.
  2. Create the displot using the seaborn library:
  • Set the x parameter equals the 'carat';
  • Set the hue parameter equals the 'cut';
  • Set the col parameter equals the 'color';
  • Set the kind parameter equals the 'kde';
  • Set the multiple parameter equals the 'fill';
  • Set the palette equals the 'viridis';
  • Set the data.


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