Conteúdo do Curso
JavaScript Data Structures
JavaScript Data Structures
2. Fundamentals of JavaScript Objects
Understanding Objects in JavaScriptCreating Objects in JavaScriptWorking with Nested Object PropertiesChallenge: Create and Structure an ObjectAccessing Object Properties in JavaScriptChallenge: Retrieve Object Property ValuesManaging Object PropertiesChallenge: Modify and Extend an ObjectDefining Object MethodsUsing Properties within MethodsChallenge: Work with Object MethodsFundamentals of JavaScript Objects Sum-Up
3. Advanced Object Manipulation Techniques
Iterating Over Object Properties with the LoopChallenge: Explore Object Properties with IterationUsing hasOwnProperty() to Check Object PropertiesChallenge: Object Property Iteration with hasOwnProperty()Cloning and Merging Objects with the Spread OperatorChallenge: Combine Objects with the Spread OperatorDestructuring Objects for Cleaner CodeChallenge: Extract Data with Object DestructuringAdvanced Object Manipulation Sum-Up
4. Mastering JavaScript Arrays
Understanding JavaScript ArraysChallenge: Access Array ElementsModifying Arrays and Accessing ElementsChallenge: Modify Array ElementsIterating Over Arrays with the for LoopChallenge: Loop Through Arrays with forUsing the for...of Loop for Array IterationChallenge: Efficient Array Iteration with for...ofMastering JavaScript Arrays Sum-Up
5. Advanced Array Methods and Transformations
Transforming Arrays with the map() MethodChallenge: Modify Array Elements Using map()Filtering Arrays with the filter() MethodChallenge: Select Specific Data Using filter()Finding Elements in an Array with the find() MethodChallenge: Search for Items Using find()Sorting Arrays with the sort() MethodChallenge: Sort and Extract Data with sort()Advanced Array Methods and Transformations Sum-UpCourse Summary
What You'll Learn in This Course
Let's examine the outline of topics and data structures we will cover in this course. Let's take a look at what lies ahead in your journey.
- Introduction to Objects: Understand what objects are in JavaScript and why they're essential;
- Creating Objects: Learn to create and initialize objects;
- Properties and Methods: Explore the significance of object properties and methods;
- Accessing Properties: Discover techniques for retrieving object property values;
- Working with Properties: Dive into object properties, including nested and shorthand;
- Object Iteration: Learn to iterate through objects using various methods;
- Destructuring and Operators: Explore object destructuring and the power of spread operator.
- Understanding Arrays: Get an introduction to arrays in JavaScript;
- Creating Arrays: Learn how to create and initialize arrays;
- Array Properties and Methods: Explore common array properties and methods;
- Accessing Elements: Dive into techniques for accessing array values;
- Essential Array Methods: Explore key array methods like map, filter, and forEach;
- Advanced Array Operations: Learn about advanced topics like flatMap and sorting arrays;
- Array Iteration and Callbacks: Discover effective array iteration and callback functions;
- Destructuring for Arrays: Explore array destructuring for element extraction;
- Spread/Rest Operators: Understand how spread and rest operators simplify array manipulations.
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Seção 1. Capítulo 3