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O que é Controle de Fluxo | Introduction to Conditional Statements
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C++ Conditional Statements

O que é Controle de FluxoO que é Controle de Fluxo


In programming, control flow is a fundamental concept that enables us to create dynamic and responsive software. It refers to the order in which the statements or instructions in a program are executed. You often encounter situations where you need to make choices and perform certain actions based on specific conditions.

We can classify control flow constructs into main categories, and in this course, we will consider two of these categories:

  • Sequential Control Flow: This is the default behavior of a program. Statements are executed one after the other, in the order they appear in your code. It's the way code flows from top to bottom, just like reading a book or following a recipe;
  • Conditional Control Flow: In this type of control flow, the program makes decisions based on conditions. It can choose to execute different code blocks depending on whether a condition is true or false. Think of this as making decisions in your code, like choosing between different paths on a road.

You are likely well-acquainted with the concept of sequential control flow, which is simple and straightforward. Although conditional control might appear challenging at first, I assure you that by the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of this fundamental programming element.

You will also learn techniques to avoid unnecessary complexity in your code, making it more adaptable and flexible, while keeping it easily maintainable.

1. O que é fluxo de controle em programação?
2. Qual é o propósito do fluxo de controle condicional na programação?

O que é fluxo de controle em programação?

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Qual é o propósito do fluxo de controle condicional na programação?

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Seção 1. Capítulo 1
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Conteúdo do Curso

C++ Conditional Statements

O que é Controle de FluxoO que é Controle de Fluxo


In programming, control flow is a fundamental concept that enables us to create dynamic and responsive software. It refers to the order in which the statements or instructions in a program are executed. You often encounter situations where you need to make choices and perform certain actions based on specific conditions.

We can classify control flow constructs into main categories, and in this course, we will consider two of these categories:

  • Sequential Control Flow: This is the default behavior of a program. Statements are executed one after the other, in the order they appear in your code. It's the way code flows from top to bottom, just like reading a book or following a recipe;
  • Conditional Control Flow: In this type of control flow, the program makes decisions based on conditions. It can choose to execute different code blocks depending on whether a condition is true or false. Think of this as making decisions in your code, like choosing between different paths on a road.

You are likely well-acquainted with the concept of sequential control flow, which is simple and straightforward. Although conditional control might appear challenging at first, I assure you that by the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of this fundamental programming element.

You will also learn techniques to avoid unnecessary complexity in your code, making it more adaptable and flexible, while keeping it easily maintainable.

1. O que é fluxo de controle em programação?
2. Qual é o propósito do fluxo de controle condicional na programação?

O que é fluxo de controle em programação?

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Qual é o propósito do fluxo de controle condicional na programação?

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Seção 1. Capítulo 1