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Aprenda Várias Funções de Agregação na Consulta | Agrupamento
SQL Intermediário
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Conteúdo do Curso

SQL Intermediário

SQL Intermediário

1. Agrupamento
2. Subconsultas Aninhadas
3. Juntando Tabelas
4. DDL e DML em SQL

Várias Funções de Agregação na Consulta

A escola agora conhece os sobrenomes dos alunos que receberam mais de uma nota em provas, e a administração decidiu calcular a média das notas desses alunos, e essa será a nota final deles.

Você precisa fazer isso.

Aqui está uma prévia da tabela student_grades com a qual estamos trabalhando:


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You should retrieve the last names of students with more than one exam grade and also calculate the average grade from all their grades. In the response, you should have 2 columns: the first one is the student_surname, and the second one is the average_grade. Use AVG() and COUNT() aggregate functions in this task.

Also, sort the result by the student_surname column in the ascending order.

Brief Instructions

  • Retrieve the student_surname column and the average of the grade column using the AVG function.
  • Assign the alias average_grade to the second column.
  • Group the data by student_surname.
  • Use the HAVING clause to filter the results based on COUNT(grade) > 1.
  • Sort the results by student_surname.


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Várias Funções de Agregação na Consulta

A escola agora conhece os sobrenomes dos alunos que receberam mais de uma nota em provas, e a administração decidiu calcular a média das notas desses alunos, e essa será a nota final deles.

Você precisa fazer isso.

Aqui está uma prévia da tabela student_grades com a qual estamos trabalhando:


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You should retrieve the last names of students with more than one exam grade and also calculate the average grade from all their grades. In the response, you should have 2 columns: the first one is the student_surname, and the second one is the average_grade. Use AVG() and COUNT() aggregate functions in this task.

Also, sort the result by the student_surname column in the ascending order.

Brief Instructions

  • Retrieve the student_surname column and the average of the grade column using the AVG function.
  • Assign the alias average_grade to the second column.
  • Group the data by student_surname.
  • Use the HAVING clause to filter the results based on COUNT(grade) > 1.
  • Sort the results by student_surname.


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