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Searching for the Top Math Students Challenge | Grouping
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Intermediate SQL

Searching for the Top Math Students ChallengeSearching for the Top Math Students Challenge

The school is pleased with our work and agrees to continue the collaboration.

Now they have a new task for us. The top 10 students with the highest average grades will be offered a trip to a scientific center as a reward. One mandatory condition is receiving a grade above 90 on the math exam. To find such students, they have turned to you.

Let's see what we need to do using our employee table as an example.

Suppose we need to find out in which departments there are employees who were hired before 2019 and the average salary in those departments. To implement such a task, we can use the following query:

As you can see, there are only 3 such employees, and we used the necessary tools to achieve this result. Your task will be very similar, I'm sure you can handle it!

Here is the preview of a student_grades table we are working with:

id student_surname class_letter subject_name grade
1 Smith A Mathematics 85
2 Johnson B Physics 90
3 Williams C Chemistry 78
4 Brown A Biology 92
... ... ... ... ...
100 Gonzales A Biology 89


Your task is to retrieve up to 10 students with the highest average grade among all students who scored above or equal to 90 on the math exam.

You'll need to use all the clauses you know.

Also, give an alias average_grade to the average grade to ensure the task is successfully checked for correctness.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 1. Capítulo 5
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course content

Conteúdo do Curso

Intermediate SQL

Searching for the Top Math Students ChallengeSearching for the Top Math Students Challenge

The school is pleased with our work and agrees to continue the collaboration.

Now they have a new task for us. The top 10 students with the highest average grades will be offered a trip to a scientific center as a reward. One mandatory condition is receiving a grade above 90 on the math exam. To find such students, they have turned to you.

Let's see what we need to do using our employee table as an example.

Suppose we need to find out in which departments there are employees who were hired before 2019 and the average salary in those departments. To implement such a task, we can use the following query:

As you can see, there are only 3 such employees, and we used the necessary tools to achieve this result. Your task will be very similar, I'm sure you can handle it!

Here is the preview of a student_grades table we are working with:

id student_surname class_letter subject_name grade
1 Smith A Mathematics 85
2 Johnson B Physics 90
3 Williams C Chemistry 78
4 Brown A Biology 92
... ... ... ... ...
100 Gonzales A Biology 89


Your task is to retrieve up to 10 students with the highest average grade among all students who scored above or equal to 90 on the math exam.

You'll need to use all the clauses you know.

Also, give an alias average_grade to the average grade to ensure the task is successfully checked for correctness.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 1. Capítulo 5
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