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Aprenda Challenge: Build letter K | Challenges
Python Ninja
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Conteúdo do Curso

Python Ninja

Python Ninja

1. Basic Controls
2. Advanced Controls
3. Functions
4. Loops
5. If-Else Statements
6. Challenges

Challenge: Build letter K

Welcome to the "Build Letter K" challenge! In this chapter, you'll put your programming skills to the test by constructing the letter "K" using the Ninja Game.

Before you begin, let's quickly recap the ninja methods and features you've learned:

Ninja Methods:

  • go_right(), go_left(), go_up(), go_down(): Move the ninja one cell in the specified direction.
  • pick_sushi(): Pick up sushi from the map and add it to your inventory.
  • put_sushi(): Place sushi from your inventory onto a cell.
  • object_up(), object_down(), object_right(), object_left(): Determine the object in the next cell in the specified direction, returning "wall", "sushi", or "empty".

Programming Concepts:

  • Functions: Create reusable blocks of code to perform specific tasks.
  • Decomposition: Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts.
  • Loops: Use for and while loops to repeat actions.
  • Conditional Statements: Use if-else statements to make decisions based on conditions.

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Seção 6. Capítulo 1

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Challenge: Build letter K

Welcome to the "Build Letter K" challenge! In this chapter, you'll put your programming skills to the test by constructing the letter "K" using the Ninja Game.

Before you begin, let's quickly recap the ninja methods and features you've learned:

Ninja Methods:

  • go_right(), go_left(), go_up(), go_down(): Move the ninja one cell in the specified direction.
  • pick_sushi(): Pick up sushi from the map and add it to your inventory.
  • put_sushi(): Place sushi from your inventory onto a cell.
  • object_up(), object_down(), object_right(), object_left(): Determine the object in the next cell in the specified direction, returning "wall", "sushi", or "empty".

Programming Concepts:

  • Functions: Create reusable blocks of code to perform specific tasks.
  • Decomposition: Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts.
  • Loops: Use for and while loops to repeat actions.
  • Conditional Statements: Use if-else statements to make decisions based on conditions.

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Seção 6. Capítulo 1
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