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Decoration and...Decoration! | Plot Customization
First Dive into seaborn Visualization
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First Dive into seaborn Visualization

First Dive into seaborn Visualization

1. Nice to Meet you, seaborn!
2. More and More Plots
3. Plot Customization

bookDecoration and...Decoration!

Setting the style for the plot

To set the style use:

Styles available: white, dark, whitegrid, darkgrid, ticks etc.

Changing colors of the main elements of the plot

seaborn has different palette options. Below there are a few of them.

Palettes: RdBu, PRGn, RdBu_r, PRGn_r (different colors in the palette), Greys, Blues, PuRd, GnBu (gradient colors).

You can also create your unique palette by creating a list variable. To set the palette use:

Context setting

To set the context use:

Contexts available: paper, notebook, talk, poster etc.


  1. Import seaborn with sns alias.
  2. Import matplotlib.pyplot with plt alias.
  3. Import pandas with pd alias.
  4. Set the 'whitegrid' style.
  5. Set the 'paper' context.
  6. Rotate labels along the Ox axis by 45 degrees.

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bookDecoration and...Decoration!

Setting the style for the plot

To set the style use:

Styles available: white, dark, whitegrid, darkgrid, ticks etc.

Changing colors of the main elements of the plot

seaborn has different palette options. Below there are a few of them.

Palettes: RdBu, PRGn, RdBu_r, PRGn_r (different colors in the palette), Greys, Blues, PuRd, GnBu (gradient colors).

You can also create your unique palette by creating a list variable. To set the palette use:

Context setting

To set the context use:

Contexts available: paper, notebook, talk, poster etc.


  1. Import seaborn with sns alias.
  2. Import matplotlib.pyplot with plt alias.
  3. Import pandas with pd alias.
  4. Set the 'whitegrid' style.
  5. Set the 'paper' context.
  6. Rotate labels along the Ox axis by 45 degrees.

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bookDecoration and...Decoration!

Setting the style for the plot

To set the style use:

Styles available: white, dark, whitegrid, darkgrid, ticks etc.

Changing colors of the main elements of the plot

seaborn has different palette options. Below there are a few of them.

Palettes: RdBu, PRGn, RdBu_r, PRGn_r (different colors in the palette), Greys, Blues, PuRd, GnBu (gradient colors).

You can also create your unique palette by creating a list variable. To set the palette use:

Context setting

To set the context use:

Contexts available: paper, notebook, talk, poster etc.


  1. Import seaborn with sns alias.
  2. Import matplotlib.pyplot with plt alias.
  3. Import pandas with pd alias.
  4. Set the 'whitegrid' style.
  5. Set the 'paper' context.
  6. Rotate labels along the Ox axis by 45 degrees.

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Setting the style for the plot

To set the style use:

Styles available: white, dark, whitegrid, darkgrid, ticks etc.

Changing colors of the main elements of the plot

seaborn has different palette options. Below there are a few of them.

Palettes: RdBu, PRGn, RdBu_r, PRGn_r (different colors in the palette), Greys, Blues, PuRd, GnBu (gradient colors).

You can also create your unique palette by creating a list variable. To set the palette use:

Context setting

To set the context use:

Contexts available: paper, notebook, talk, poster etc.


  1. Import seaborn with sns alias.
  2. Import matplotlib.pyplot with plt alias.
  3. Import pandas with pd alias.
  4. Set the 'whitegrid' style.
  5. Set the 'paper' context.
  6. Rotate labels along the Ox axis by 45 degrees.

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Seção 3. Capítulo 4
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