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Implementing TF-IDF | Basic Text Models
Introduction to NLP

Implementing TF-IDFImplementing TF-IDF

Default Implementation

The implementation of the TF-IDF model in sklearn is similar to that of the Bag of Words model. To train this model on a corpus, we use the TfidfVectorizer class utilizing the already familiar to us method .fit_transform().

Let's take a look at an example:

As you can see, aside from using a different class, the rest of the implementation is identical to that of the Bag of Words model. By default, the TF-IDF matrix is computed, as described in the previous chapter, with L2 normalization.

Customizing TF-IDF

Once again, similar to CountVectorizer, we can specify the min_df and max_df parameters to include only terms that occur in at least min_df documents and at most max_df documents. These can be specified as either absolute numbers of documents or as a proportion of the total number of documents.

Here is an example where we include only those terms that appear in exactly 2 documents by setting both min_df and max_df to 2:

To specify the n-grams to include in our matrix, we can use the ngram_range parameter. Let's include only bigrams in the resulting matrix:

These are the most commonly used parameters, however, in case you want to explore more of them, you can refer to the documentation.


Your task is to display the vector for the 'medical' unigram in a TF-IDF model with unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams:

  1. Import the TfidfVectorizer class to create a TF-IDF model.
  2. Instantiate the TfidfVectorizer class as tfidf_vectorizer that includes both unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams.
  3. Utilize the appropriate method of tfidf_vectorizer to generate a TF-IDF matrix from the 'Document' column in the corpus.
  4. Convert tfidf_matrix to a dense array and create a DataFrame from it, setting the unique features (terms) as its columns. Assign this to the variable tfidf_matrix_df.
  5. Display the vector for 'medical' as an array, rather than as a pandas Series.

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Seção 3. Capítulo 7
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Introduction to NLP

Implementing TF-IDFImplementing TF-IDF

Default Implementation

The implementation of the TF-IDF model in sklearn is similar to that of the Bag of Words model. To train this model on a corpus, we use the TfidfVectorizer class utilizing the already familiar to us method .fit_transform().

Let's take a look at an example:

As you can see, aside from using a different class, the rest of the implementation is identical to that of the Bag of Words model. By default, the TF-IDF matrix is computed, as described in the previous chapter, with L2 normalization.

Customizing TF-IDF

Once again, similar to CountVectorizer, we can specify the min_df and max_df parameters to include only terms that occur in at least min_df documents and at most max_df documents. These can be specified as either absolute numbers of documents or as a proportion of the total number of documents.

Here is an example where we include only those terms that appear in exactly 2 documents by setting both min_df and max_df to 2:

To specify the n-grams to include in our matrix, we can use the ngram_range parameter. Let's include only bigrams in the resulting matrix:

These are the most commonly used parameters, however, in case you want to explore more of them, you can refer to the documentation.


Your task is to display the vector for the 'medical' unigram in a TF-IDF model with unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams:

  1. Import the TfidfVectorizer class to create a TF-IDF model.
  2. Instantiate the TfidfVectorizer class as tfidf_vectorizer that includes both unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams.
  3. Utilize the appropriate method of tfidf_vectorizer to generate a TF-IDF matrix from the 'Document' column in the corpus.
  4. Convert tfidf_matrix to a dense array and create a DataFrame from it, setting the unique features (terms) as its columns. Assign this to the variable tfidf_matrix_df.
  5. Display the vector for 'medical' as an array, rather than as a pandas Series.

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Seção 3. Capítulo 7
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