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Aprenda Challenge: Ensuring Fast Delivery for Expensive Products | Terminal Operations in the Stream API
Stream API
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Stream API

Stream API

1. Fundamentals and Functional Capabilities of Stream API
4. Practical Applications of Stream API

Challenge: Ensuring Fast Delivery for Expensive Products


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In the store, there's a rule: if a product costs more than $1000, it must be delivered within 5 days. You need to check whether this rule is followed for all expensive products.

  1. Filter the list of products, keeping only those with a price greater than 1000 using filter() method.
  2. Check if all filtered products have a delivery time of 5 days or less using allMatch().




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Challenge: Ensuring Fast Delivery for Expensive Products


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In the store, there's a rule: if a product costs more than $1000, it must be delivered within 5 days. You need to check whether this rule is followed for all expensive products.

  1. Filter the list of products, keeping only those with a price greater than 1000 using filter() method.
  2. Check if all filtered products have a delivery time of 5 days or less using allMatch().




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Seção 3. Capítulo 13
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