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Tipos de Dados em Python
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Tipos de Dados em Python

Tipos de Dados em Python

1. Conhecendo os números em Python
2. Verdadeiro ou falso?
3. Strings
4. Reunindo todos os tópicos

Introduction to Boolean Data Type

The boolean data type is a semblance of our ordinary words: yes or no. Number 1 means yes, and 0 means no. It was invented to give certain instructions to computers. For instance, if this condition is true, we should continue, but in the opposite case, we should stop. Indeed, it is better to use only 0 and 1 to exclude misunderstanding, but every number except 0 means True.

It should be noted that if we write true instead of True or false instead of False, it leads to an error.

The operators >, <, !=, ==, <=, and >= are essential for making meaningful boolean statements. Without these symbols, boolean statements wouldn't serve any purpose.

>X > YReturns True if X is greater than Y
<X < YReturns True if X is less than Y
!=X != YReturns True if X is not equal to Y
==X == YReturns True if X is equal to Y
<=X <= YReturns True if X is less than or equal to Y
>=X >= YReturns True if X is greater than or equal to Y

Let's look at the example of simple boolean statements:

The following expressions return True:

However, these expressions return False:


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Introduction to Boolean Data Type

The boolean data type is a semblance of our ordinary words: yes or no. Number 1 means yes, and 0 means no. It was invented to give certain instructions to computers. For instance, if this condition is true, we should continue, but in the opposite case, we should stop. Indeed, it is better to use only 0 and 1 to exclude misunderstanding, but every number except 0 means True.

It should be noted that if we write true instead of True or false instead of False, it leads to an error.

The operators >, <, !=, ==, <=, and >= are essential for making meaningful boolean statements. Without these symbols, boolean statements wouldn't serve any purpose.

>X > YReturns True if X is greater than Y
<X < YReturns True if X is less than Y
!=X != YReturns True if X is not equal to Y
==X == YReturns True if X is equal to Y
<=X <= YReturns True if X is less than or equal to Y
>=X >= YReturns True if X is greater than or equal to Y

Let's look at the example of simple boolean statements:

The following expressions return True:

However, these expressions return False:


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It's time to work with tricky data type!

Choose the correct sign from >, <,!=, ==, <=, and >= to fill in the gaps ___ and to make all statements return False.


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