1. Subscription

    The subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each week, month, 6 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the option selected by you at the time of purchase) until you cancel.

  2. Payment method

    Payment will be charged to the payment method you submitted at the time of purchase at confirmation of purchase. You authorize us to charge the applicable subscription fees to the payment method that you submit.

  3. Cancellation

    Canceling your subscription means that the automatic renewal will be disabled, but you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period.

    You can cancel a subscription through the settings on your website account at least 24 hours before the end of then-current subscription period.

  4. Changes

    To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, we may change subscription fees at any time. We will give you reasonable notice of any such pricing changes by posting the new prices on the app and/or by sending you an email notification, or in other prominent way. If you do not wish to pay the new fees, you can cancel the applicable subscription prior to the change going into effect.

  5. Refunds

    If you purchased a subscription on our website: Please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you have any questions in relation to the subscription terms, please contact us at:

Please take a screenshot of this information for your reference. This may help you to control your subscriptions.

Last updated: 29 Dec 2021