Зміст курсу
Data Analysis with Excel
Data Analysis with Excel
1. Data Management and Manipulation
2. Basic Data Analysis
3. Data Visualization and Automation
4. Advanced Data Analytics Techniques
Lookup Functions
Lookup functions are among the most powerful features in Excel, allowing you to search, match, and reference data across different sheets and datasets.
Mastering these functions can dramatically increase the efficiency of data handling:
- Quickly find and retrieve specific data from a large dataset;
- Connect data elements across different tables based on common keys;
- Reduce manual search errors and save time when managing data;
- Enable dynamic updating of data points in formulas, making your spreadsheets reactive to changes in source data.
It's now your chance to practice.
Locate the Product_ID in the Sales table for the transaction with Transaction_ID 500. You may use any approach that works for you.
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