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Class Creation | Classes
Java Extended
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Зміст курсу

Java Extended

Java Extended

1. Deep Java Structure
2. Methods
3. String Advanced
4. Classes
5. Classes Advanced

Class Creation

Class Syntax

The syntax for creating a class is quite simple. Let's take a look at an example with the class Person:



class Person { }

This is all it takes to create a class. However, it will be useless to us if it's empty. Therefore, we should add fields to it. Let's assume that our person has a name, gender, and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; }

And now, let's write a method that allows our Person to report their name and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; void introduce() { System.out.println("Hi, my name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old!"); } }


Great! Now your task is to create two objects of the Person class in the main method. One will be named Bob and will be 30 years old, and the other will be named Alice and will be 27 years old. Then, use the introduce() method on each person to have them introduce themselves.


Great! Now your task is to create two objects of the Person class in the main method. One will be named Bob and will be 30 years old, and the other will be named Alice and will be 27 years old. Then, use the introduce() method on each person to have them introduce themselves.

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Секція 4. Розділ 4
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Class Creation

Class Syntax

The syntax for creating a class is quite simple. Let's take a look at an example with the class Person:



class Person { }

This is all it takes to create a class. However, it will be useless to us if it's empty. Therefore, we should add fields to it. Let's assume that our person has a name, gender, and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; }

And now, let's write a method that allows our Person to report their name and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; void introduce() { System.out.println("Hi, my name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old!"); } }


Great! Now your task is to create two objects of the Person class in the main method. One will be named Bob and will be 30 years old, and the other will be named Alice and will be 27 years old. Then, use the introduce() method on each person to have them introduce themselves.


Great! Now your task is to create two objects of the Person class in the main method. One will be named Bob and will be 30 years old, and the other will be named Alice and will be 27 years old. Then, use the introduce() method on each person to have them introduce themselves.

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Class Creation

Class Syntax

The syntax for creating a class is quite simple. Let's take a look at an example with the class Person:



class Person { }

This is all it takes to create a class. However, it will be useless to us if it's empty. Therefore, we should add fields to it. Let's assume that our person has a name, gender, and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; }

And now, let's write a method that allows our Person to report their name and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; void introduce() { System.out.println("Hi, my name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old!"); } }


Great! Now your task is to create two objects of the Person class in the main method. One will be named Bob and will be 30 years old, and the other will be named Alice and will be 27 years old. Then, use the introduce() method on each person to have them introduce themselves.


Great! Now your task is to create two objects of the Person class in the main method. One will be named Bob and will be 30 years old, and the other will be named Alice and will be 27 years old. Then, use the introduce() method on each person to have them introduce themselves.

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Class Syntax

The syntax for creating a class is quite simple. Let's take a look at an example with the class Person:



class Person { }

This is all it takes to create a class. However, it will be useless to us if it's empty. Therefore, we should add fields to it. Let's assume that our person has a name, gender, and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; }

And now, let's write a method that allows our Person to report their name and age:



class Person { String name; String gender; int age; void introduce() { System.out.println("Hi, my name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old!"); } }


Great! Now your task is to create two objects of the Person class in the main method. One will be named Bob and will be 30 years old, and the other will be named Alice and will be 27 years old. Then, use the introduce() method on each person to have them introduce themselves.

Секція 4. Розділ 4
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