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Country Information Management Challenge | Classes Advanced

Country Information Management ChallengeCountry Information Management Challenge


Your task is to create a Country class. It should have fields: name, population, and continent on which the country is located. All fields in this class should have a private access modifier. You should also write getters and setters for each field in this class. The main method is already prepared, your task is to implement the Country class:


This is a complex and challenging task, so if you haven't made progress in solving it within ≈15 minutes, feel free to click on the Hint button or analyze the Solution!

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Секція 5. Розділ 6
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Country Information Management ChallengeCountry Information Management Challenge


Your task is to create a Country class. It should have fields: name, population, and continent on which the country is located. All fields in this class should have a private access modifier. You should also write getters and setters for each field in this class. The main method is already prepared, your task is to implement the Country class:


This is a complex and challenging task, so if you haven't made progress in solving it within ≈15 minutes, feel free to click on the Hint button or analyze the Solution!

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Секція 5. Розділ 6
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