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Linked List Data Structure | List and Array
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Algorithms and Data Structures Overview

Linked List Data StructureLinked List Data Structure

A linked list is a data structure consisting of a sequence of elements called nodes, where each node contains data and a reference to the next node in the sequence.
Unlike arrays, linked lists do not have a fixed size in memory and do not store elements in contiguous memory locations. Instead, they use pointers to connect nodes, allowing for dynamic memory allocation and efficient insertion and deletion of elements.

The next section of the code illustrates this concept.

Linked list vs Array

Linked List vs Array Comparison
Feature Linked List Array
Dynamic Size Linked lists can dynamically grow or shrink in size by allocating or deallocating memory for nodes. Arrays have a fixed size defined at the time of declaration and cannot easily change size during runtime.
Memory Allocation Each node in a linked list occupies memory dynamically, allowing for efficient memory usage. Arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, which may lead to memory wastage or insufficient memory for large arrays.
Insertion/Deletion Linked lists offer efficient insertion and deletion operations by adjusting pointers. Arrays may require shifting elements to accommodate insertions or deletions in the middle, resulting in less efficient operations.
Random Access Linked lists do not support efficient random access to elements, requiring traversal from the beginning to locate an element. Arrays support efficient random access to elements using indexing, allowing direct access to any element in constant time.
Traversal Linked lists require traversal from the beginning to the desired position, which may result in slower access time for large lists. Arrays allow for fast traversal using indexing, providing efficient access to elements at any position.

Linked list implementation


Pay attention that the built-in list Python structure is not a list conceptually - the list structure is implemented as a dynamic array that can hold elements of various data types. It is similar to an array but with additional functionalities and optimizations.

In contrast to an array where we have direct access to any item, in the linked list, we have direct access only to the first item, and we can access any other item only by the chain of references.

In a linked list, what is the purpose of the "next" pointer?

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Algorithms and Data Structures Overview

Linked List Data StructureLinked List Data Structure

A linked list is a data structure consisting of a sequence of elements called nodes, where each node contains data and a reference to the next node in the sequence.
Unlike arrays, linked lists do not have a fixed size in memory and do not store elements in contiguous memory locations. Instead, they use pointers to connect nodes, allowing for dynamic memory allocation and efficient insertion and deletion of elements.

The next section of the code illustrates this concept.

Linked list vs Array

Linked List vs Array Comparison
Feature Linked List Array
Dynamic Size Linked lists can dynamically grow or shrink in size by allocating or deallocating memory for nodes. Arrays have a fixed size defined at the time of declaration and cannot easily change size during runtime.
Memory Allocation Each node in a linked list occupies memory dynamically, allowing for efficient memory usage. Arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, which may lead to memory wastage or insufficient memory for large arrays.
Insertion/Deletion Linked lists offer efficient insertion and deletion operations by adjusting pointers. Arrays may require shifting elements to accommodate insertions or deletions in the middle, resulting in less efficient operations.
Random Access Linked lists do not support efficient random access to elements, requiring traversal from the beginning to locate an element. Arrays support efficient random access to elements using indexing, allowing direct access to any element in constant time.
Traversal Linked lists require traversal from the beginning to the desired position, which may result in slower access time for large lists. Arrays allow for fast traversal using indexing, providing efficient access to elements at any position.

Linked list implementation


Pay attention that the built-in list Python structure is not a list conceptually - the list structure is implemented as a dynamic array that can hold elements of various data types. It is similar to an array but with additional functionalities and optimizations.

In contrast to an array where we have direct access to any item, in the linked list, we have direct access only to the first item, and we can access any other item only by the chain of references.

In a linked list, what is the purpose of the "next" pointer?

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