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Challenge: Skeleton Loader | Working with Data
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Next.js 14

Challenge: Skeleton LoaderChallenge: Skeleton Loader

Your turn! Apply what you've just learned by refactoring the <LatestInvoices> component.

  1. Move the fetchLatestInvoices() function down from the page to the <LatestInvoices> component;
  2. Surround the component with a <Suspense> boundary, providing a fallback called <LatestInvoicesSkeleton>.
Try to solve it yourself, but refer to the solution below if you encounter any issues.

In Practice

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Секція 5. Розділ 7
course content

Зміст курсу

Next.js 14

Challenge: Skeleton LoaderChallenge: Skeleton Loader

Your turn! Apply what you've just learned by refactoring the <LatestInvoices> component.

  1. Move the fetchLatestInvoices() function down from the page to the <LatestInvoices> component;
  2. Surround the component with a <Suspense> boundary, providing a fallback called <LatestInvoicesSkeleton>.
Try to solve it yourself, but refer to the solution below if you encounter any issues.

In Practice

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 5. Розділ 7