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Deleting Item | Advanced Features
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Next.js 14

Deleting ItemDeleting Item

Let's implement the delete functionality for the invoice.

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To utilize a Server Action for deleting an invoice, enclose the delete button within a <form> element and transmit the id to the Server Action using the bind feature:


To complete the task, we create the deleteInvoice action.


As you can see, we are not using redirect() because the delete action is called on the dashboard/invoices page.

In Practice

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Секція 6. Розділ 7
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Next.js 14

Deleting ItemDeleting Item

Let's implement the delete functionality for the invoice.

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To utilize a Server Action for deleting an invoice, enclose the delete button within a <form> element and transmit the id to the Server Action using the bind feature:


To complete the task, we create the deleteInvoice action.


As you can see, we are not using redirect() because the delete action is called on the dashboard/invoices page.

In Practice

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 6. Розділ 7