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Bootstrap Essentials for Modern Websites
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Bootstrap Essentials for Modern Websites

Bootstrap Essentials for Modern Websites

1. Understanding Bootstrap
2. Setting Up Environment
3. Basic Concepts
4. Advanced Concepts
5. Creating a Portfolio Website with Bootstrap

Installing Bootstrap via CDN

When working on a vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS project, we can use a CDN to include Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript files directly into the HTML document without downloading them to the local machine.

Here's how we can include Bootstrap via CDN in the HTML file:

Behavior Difference

In the examples below, we will demonstrate the difference between default browser styles and styles applied with Bootstrap. We will not focus on Bootstrap usage at this time.

Default Browser Styles




Styles Applied with Bootstrap





Both examples feature a button element adorned with the classes btn and btn-primary. The appearance is accomplished solely by applying these two classes provided by Boostrap without the need for additional CSS styling.

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