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URL in Practice | Conceptual Overview
React Router
course content

Зміст курсу

React Router

React Router

1. Conceptual Overview
2. Basic React Router Concepts
3. Advanced React Router Concepts

URL in Practice

To gain a comprehensive understanding of URL structure, let's dissect a real-world example:

  • https:// - specifies the HTTPS protocol, ensuring secure data transfer;
  • - The host component identifies the domain or website where the resource is located;
  • razor/3r2xe2fs - The path signifies the precise location within the web application;
  • ? - The question mark denotes the start of the query string;
  • cat=sharp&stat=left - is the query string;
    • cat=sharp - represents a parameter-value pair with cat being the parameter and its corresponding value (sharp);
    • stat=left - represents a parameter-value pair with stat being the parameter and its corresponding value (left);
    • & - The ampersand symbol is a separator, distinguishing between multiple parameters within the query string.
  • #chars - is the fragment, anchor to the specific section on the page.

Identify the URL parts.

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