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Advanced Techniques in pandas
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Advanced Techniques in pandas

Advanced Techniques in pandas

1. Getting Familiar With Indexing and Selecting Data
2. Dealing With Conditions
3. Extracting Data
4. Aggregating Data
5. Preprocessing Data

Creating a Pivot Table


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Your task here is to practice using pivot tables. Depending on the airline and the airport from which the flight started, calculate the number of delays and the minimum and maximum length of the flight. Follow the algorithm:

Create a pivot table:

  • Assign the columns 'Airline' and 'AirportFrom' to the index argument;
  • Assign the columns 'Delay' and 'Length' to the values argument (in this order);
  • Using the aggfunc argument, find the minimum and maximum of the 'Length', and count the number of values in the 'Delay' column.


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Секція 4. Розділ 6
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Creating a Pivot Table


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Your task here is to practice using pivot tables. Depending on the airline and the airport from which the flight started, calculate the number of delays and the minimum and maximum length of the flight. Follow the algorithm:

Create a pivot table:

  • Assign the columns 'Airline' and 'AirportFrom' to the index argument;
  • Assign the columns 'Delay' and 'Length' to the values argument (in this order);
  • Using the aggfunc argument, find the minimum and maximum of the 'Length', and count the number of values in the 'Delay' column.


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