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Creation Functions for 2D Arrays | NumPy Basics
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Ultimate NumPy

Creation Functions for 2D ArraysCreation Functions for 2D Arrays

Similarly to 1D arrays, NumPy has creation functions for 2D arrays. We will cover the most common one, the eye() function.


The numpy.eye() function creates a matrix in the format of a 2D array where the elements with equal row and column indices are 1, while all other elements are 0.

The two most important parameters are N and M, which specify the number of rows and columns respectively. The M parameter is optional, so you can specify only N to create a square NxN matrix.

A square matrix with all main diagonal elements equal to 1 and all other elements equal to 0 is called an identity matrix.

Let’s take a look at an example:

In our example, we created an identity matrix by specifying only the N parameter and a rectangular matrix by specifying both N and M. We also set the dtype to np.int8 for the rectangular matrix, which can be useful when working with only integers (np.float64 is the default value for dtype).

The resulting 2D arrays look as follows:

eye() example

Regarding applications, the eye() function is primarily used to create identity matrices for specific linear algebra operations and to initialize matrices in machine learning algorithms.


Here is the documentation for this function: eye.


  1. Use the correct function for matrix to create a matrix where the elements with equal row index and column index are 1, while all other elements are 0.
  2. Specify the first two arguments so that array_1 is a 5x2 matrix.
  3. Set the data type of array_1 elements to np.int8.

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Зміст курсу

Ultimate NumPy

Creation Functions for 2D ArraysCreation Functions for 2D Arrays

Similarly to 1D arrays, NumPy has creation functions for 2D arrays. We will cover the most common one, the eye() function.


The numpy.eye() function creates a matrix in the format of a 2D array where the elements with equal row and column indices are 1, while all other elements are 0.

The two most important parameters are N and M, which specify the number of rows and columns respectively. The M parameter is optional, so you can specify only N to create a square NxN matrix.

A square matrix with all main diagonal elements equal to 1 and all other elements equal to 0 is called an identity matrix.

Let’s take a look at an example:

In our example, we created an identity matrix by specifying only the N parameter and a rectangular matrix by specifying both N and M. We also set the dtype to np.int8 for the rectangular matrix, which can be useful when working with only integers (np.float64 is the default value for dtype).

The resulting 2D arrays look as follows:

eye() example

Regarding applications, the eye() function is primarily used to create identity matrices for specific linear algebra operations and to initialize matrices in machine learning algorithms.


Here is the documentation for this function: eye.


  1. Use the correct function for matrix to create a matrix where the elements with equal row index and column index are 1, while all other elements are 0.
  2. Specify the first two arguments so that array_1 is a 5x2 matrix.
  3. Set the data type of array_1 elements to np.int8.

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