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Random Arrays | NumPy Basics
Ultimate NumPy

Random ArraysRandom Arrays

It is often the case that we need to generate a random number or an array of random numbers. Luckily, NumPy has a module named random specifically for this purpose.


random generates pseudo-random numbers, not truly random numbers. However, for most purposes, this is more than enough.

The two most commonly used functions of the random module are:

  • rand();
  • randint().


The numpy.random.rand() function is used to generate either a random float number or an array of random floats from a uniform distribution over [0, 1).

Its only possible arguments are the dimensions of the array. If no argument is passed, rand() generates a random float number (scalar).

Let’s clarify with an example:

First, we generated a random float number. Next, we generated a random 1D array with 5 elements by setting its size to 5. Finally, we generated a random 2D array of shape 3x4.


Dimensions in the rand() function should be specified as separate integer parameters, not a tuple of integers.


The numpy.random.randint function is used to generate either a random integer or an array of random integers from a discrete uniform distribution within a specified interval.

Its three most important parameters are low (the only required parameter), high, and size. The interval is [low, high) (from low inclusive to high exclusive). However, if high is not specified, then the interval is [0, low).

Let’s look at an example:

There is actually nothing complicated here; everything is rather straightforward.


Unlike rand(), we specify the dimensions of the array via a single parameter size, passing either an integer or a tuple of integers.

As always, here is the documentation for you: numpy.random.rand and numpy.random.randint.


  1. Create a 1D array of random floats from a uniform distribution in [0, 1) with 4 elements for random_floats_array.
  2. Create a 2D array of random floats from a uniform distribution in [0, 1) with a shape of 3x2 for random_floats_matrix.
  3. Use the correct function to create a 2D array of random integers for random_integers_matrix.
  4. Set the interval to [10, 21) (from 10 to 21 exclusive) by specifying the first two arguments of the function.
  5. Set the shape of the random_integers_matrix to 3x2 by specifying the third keyword argument of the function.

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Ultimate NumPy

Random ArraysRandom Arrays

It is often the case that we need to generate a random number or an array of random numbers. Luckily, NumPy has a module named random specifically for this purpose.


random generates pseudo-random numbers, not truly random numbers. However, for most purposes, this is more than enough.

The two most commonly used functions of the random module are:

  • rand();
  • randint().


The numpy.random.rand() function is used to generate either a random float number or an array of random floats from a uniform distribution over [0, 1).

Its only possible arguments are the dimensions of the array. If no argument is passed, rand() generates a random float number (scalar).

Let’s clarify with an example:

First, we generated a random float number. Next, we generated a random 1D array with 5 elements by setting its size to 5. Finally, we generated a random 2D array of shape 3x4.


Dimensions in the rand() function should be specified as separate integer parameters, not a tuple of integers.


The numpy.random.randint function is used to generate either a random integer or an array of random integers from a discrete uniform distribution within a specified interval.

Its three most important parameters are low (the only required parameter), high, and size. The interval is [low, high) (from low inclusive to high exclusive). However, if high is not specified, then the interval is [0, low).

Let’s look at an example:

There is actually nothing complicated here; everything is rather straightforward.


Unlike rand(), we specify the dimensions of the array via a single parameter size, passing either an integer or a tuple of integers.

As always, here is the documentation for you: numpy.random.rand and numpy.random.randint.


  1. Create a 1D array of random floats from a uniform distribution in [0, 1) with 4 elements for random_floats_array.
  2. Create a 2D array of random floats from a uniform distribution in [0, 1) with a shape of 3x2 for random_floats_matrix.
  3. Use the correct function to create a 2D array of random integers for random_integers_matrix.
  4. Set the interval to [10, 21) (from 10 to 21 exclusive) by specifying the first two arguments of the function.
  5. Set the shape of the random_integers_matrix to 3x2 by specifying the third keyword argument of the function.

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