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Вивчайте Replacing Characters | Preprocessing Data: Part I
Analyzing and Visualizing Real-World Data
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Analyzing and Visualizing Real-World Data

Analyzing and Visualizing Real-World Data

1. Preprocessing Data: Part I
2. Preprocessing Data: Part II
3. Analyzing Data
4. Visualizing Data

Replacing Characters

Just as we removed characters, there are also two ways to perform replacements: either by using the .str accessor or by using a lambda function. Since we are only performing the replacement for one column, let's use the first approach.


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  1. Replace the commas with dots in the 'CPI' column. Follow these steps:

    • Select the 'CPI' column;
    • Use the .str accessor;
    • Replace the ',' symbols with '.' using the .replace() method;
    • Convert the values to float type;
    • Assign the obtained result to the 'CPI' column.
  2. Display the first row of the df dataframe and data types of the df dataframe.


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Replacing Characters

Just as we removed characters, there are also two ways to perform replacements: either by using the .str accessor or by using a lambda function. Since we are only performing the replacement for one column, let's use the first approach.


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  1. Replace the commas with dots in the 'CPI' column. Follow these steps:

    • Select the 'CPI' column;
    • Use the .str accessor;
    • Replace the ',' symbols with '.' using the .replace() method;
    • Convert the values to float type;
    • Assign the obtained result to the 'CPI' column.
  2. Display the first row of the df dataframe and data types of the df dataframe.


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