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How to Explore the Data | Explore Dataset
Introduction to Python for Data Analysis
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Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

Introduction to Python for Data Analysis

1. Introduction to Python 1/2
2. Introduction to Python 2/2
3. Explore Dataset
4. Becoming an Analyst

bookHow to Explore the Data

So, we have learned how to import the file we need to work with into the Python. Now we will learn how to see what is inside the file and will try to find some info about the df.


Study functions above and let's go practice!


Let's explore our dataset!

  1. Import the pandas using the pd using the pd alias.
  2. Read the csv file using the df variable.
  3. Show the size of the file.
  4. Show names of the columns in the file.
  5. Show the first 7 rows of the file.

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Секція 3. Розділ 3
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bookHow to Explore the Data

So, we have learned how to import the file we need to work with into the Python. Now we will learn how to see what is inside the file and will try to find some info about the df.


Study functions above and let's go practice!


Let's explore our dataset!

  1. Import the pandas using the pd using the pd alias.
  2. Read the csv file using the df variable.
  3. Show the size of the file.
  4. Show names of the columns in the file.
  5. Show the first 7 rows of the file.

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Секція 3. Розділ 3
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bookHow to Explore the Data

So, we have learned how to import the file we need to work with into the Python. Now we will learn how to see what is inside the file and will try to find some info about the df.


Study functions above and let's go practice!


Let's explore our dataset!

  1. Import the pandas using the pd using the pd alias.
  2. Read the csv file using the df variable.
  3. Show the size of the file.
  4. Show names of the columns in the file.
  5. Show the first 7 rows of the file.

Switch to desktopПерейдіть на комп'ютер для реальної практикиПродовжуйте з того місця, де ви зупинились, використовуючи один з наведених нижче варіантів
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So, we have learned how to import the file we need to work with into the Python. Now we will learn how to see what is inside the file and will try to find some info about the df.


Study functions above and let's go practice!


Let's explore our dataset!

  1. Import the pandas using the pd using the pd alias.
  2. Read the csv file using the df variable.
  3. Show the size of the file.
  4. Show names of the columns in the file.
  5. Show the first 7 rows of the file.

Switch to desktopПерейдіть на комп'ютер для реальної практикиПродовжуйте з того місця, де ви зупинились, використовуючи один з наведених нижче варіантів
Секція 3. Розділ 3
Switch to desktopПерейдіть на комп'ютер для реальної практикиПродовжуйте з того місця, де ви зупинились, використовуючи один з наведених нижче варіантів