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Вивчайте Strings Concatenation | Basic Concepts
String Manipulation in Python

Strings Concatenation

What if we need to connect two strings? Like, we have a price as a number in price variable, and we want to make it representatively, i.e. we want to show the price in format n $. This problem can be solved by concatenation.

Concatenation is joining two strings, which can be done in Python by using a simple + operator. It will join the string on the left side of the operator to the string on the right side. For example,

price = 25
print('Price is', str(price) + '$')
price = 25 print('Price is', str(price) + '$')

As we can see, + operator added the '$' sign to the price converted into a string.


All the space characters are considered by + operator. For example, if in the example above we wrote str(price) + ' $' it would output Price is 25 $.


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Given variables height and weight. Using concatenation, output the following messages:

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 70 kg


# Variables
height = 170
weight = 70

# Output using concatenation
print("Height:", str(height) + ' cm')
print("Weight:", str(weight) + ' kg')

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# Variables
height = 170
weight = 70

# Output using concatenation
print("Height:", str(height) + ___)
print("___", ___(weight) ___)
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