Зміст курсу
Tableau Fundamentals
Tableau Fundamentals
1. Introduction to Tableau
2. Tools in Tableau
Dimensions and MeasuresChallenge: Comparing Sales and Profit by StateContinuous and Discrete FieldsChallenge: Identifying the Month with Lowest SalesDimension Filters Measure FiltersChallenge: Finding the Most Profitable Customer in ArtCalculated FieldsChallenge: Comparing California and New York to Other StatesInteractive Dashboards with ParametersChallenge: Finding the Sub-Category with the Most SalesWorking with Sets Challenge: Analyzing Bookcase Profit ConcentrationSets Applications
3. Basic Visualizations
Visualizing Data with HeatmapsChallenge: Identifying Top-Selling Sub-Category by RegionScatter PlotsChallenge: Determining the Highest Sales and Profit by StateTreemapsChallenge: Analyzing the Least Profitable Sub-CategoryCombination ChartsChallenge: Comparing Sales and Profit Trends for PhonesSparklines
Interactive Dashboards with Parameters
In order to create interactive dashboard, it is essential to understand what parameters in Tableau are.
Here are the key features of parameters:
While parameters themselves do not affect data directly, they become powerful when combined with calculated fields or used as dynamic filters. For instance, you can create a parameter to adjust a percentage value dynamically or switch between different categories for comparison.
You can experiment with parameters in your dashboards to enable "what-if" analysis and provide interactive, user-driven insights.
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