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Extracting Text Meaning using TF-IDF
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Extracting Text Meaning using TF-IDF

Top N Sentences

In the concluding part of our text analysis project, we focus on identifying the most significant sentences within our text. The goal is to highlight the key elements of the text using the TF-ISF scores calculated for each sentence.

Selecting Key Sentences

  1. Choosing the Number of Sentences: We begin by determining N, the number of sentences to highlight. Choosing N = 5 reflects our aim to concentrate on the five sentences that our analysis has identified as containing the most important information;

  2. Pairing Sentences with Scores: We use Python's zip function to associate each sentence in our list sentences with its respective TF-ISF score from sentence_scores;

  3. Sorting Sentences by Their Importance: After pairing sentences with their scores, we sort these pairs in descending order based on the scores;

  4. Identifying the Top Sentences: We then select the top N sentences from this ordered list. This step identifies the sentences that best represent the core content of the text, as determined by our analysis.


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  1. Pair each sentence with its corresponding TF-ISF score.
  2. Sort these pairs by their score in descending order.
  3. Extract the top N sentences with the highest TF-ISF scores.



Congratulations on successfully completing this comprehensive project on text analysis using the TF-ISF algorithm! Your dedication and effort in mastering the nuances of natural language processing with NLTK have equipped you with valuable skills that are highly sought after in the realm of data science and beyond.

Keep exploring, keep learning, and remember that the world of data analysis is as vast as it is fascinating. Well done!

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