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Розширений Рівень SQL
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Розширений Рівень SQL

Розширений Рівень SQL

1. Групування
2. Вкладені Запити
3. Об'єднання Таблиць
4. DDL та DML в SQL

Клауза UNION

Great job mastering inner queries! We've caught the attention of a client who needs SQL queries. Before we dive into JOINs, let's learn about the UNION clause, which is essential for combining multiple tables.

Here are some important things to know about using UNION:

  1. Columns Count and Order: All queries combined with UNION must have the same number of columns in the same order;

  2. Data Types: The columns in each query must have compatible data types;

  3. Unique Rows: By default, UNION removes duplicate rows. Use UNION ALL if you want to keep duplicates.

Давайте коротко розглянемо ключові моменти при роботі з UNION:

  1. Кількість та порядок стовпців: Усі запити, які комбінуються за допомогою UNION, повинні мати однакову кількість стовпців, і ці стовпці повинні бути в тому ж порядку;

  2. Типи даних: Типи даних відповідних стовпців кожного запиту мусять бути сумісними;

  3. Унікальні рядки: За замовчуванням, UNION видаляє дублікати рядків. Для включення дублікатів використовується UNION ALL.

You can see that this table has similarities with the employees table. Using the UNION clause, we can combine these two tables to, for example, see a list of all names and surnames of employees and contractors involved in the company.

To do this, we'll use the UNION clause:

(SELECT employee_id as id, first_name, last_name FROM employees) UNION (SELECT contractor_id as id, first_name, last_name FROM contractors) ORDER BY id

Let's break down what's happening:

We have two queries that each return three columns with the same data types. We want to see the Id, first_name, and last_name of everyone in the company. We also renamed the Id column so both queries have the same column names.

Then, we use UNION to combine the results of these queries, removing duplicates (though there are none here).

Finally, we sort the results by Id using ORDER BY.


We're sorting by Id, which is a common column in both tables.

After using UNION, we get a "single large query" that we can further manipulate with clauses like ORDER BY.

We can't directly use WHERE or GROUP BY with tables combined using UNION. To apply these clauses, we need to use a subquery in the FROM section. Here's an example of how to do it:

SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM ( SELECT employee_id AS id, first_name, last_name FROM employees UNION SELECT contractor_id AS id, first_name, last_name FROM contractors ) AS combined WHERE first_name = 'Jane'

Using a subquery in the FROM section gives us more flexibility! It might seem tricky at first, but mastering this will make writing complex queries much easier.

1. Які стовпці обов'язкові при використанні клози UNION в SQL?

2. How does the UNION clause treat duplicate rows by default?

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Які стовпці обов'язкові при використанні клози UNION в SQL?

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How does the UNION clause treat duplicate rows by default?

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