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`forEach` method | Loops
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Introduction to TypeScript

`forEach` method`forEach` method

There's also a very interesting method called forEach() for working with array elements. It's an advanced topic for a beginner, but you definitely need to know about it. With this method, you can save a lot of time and reduce the number of lines of code. Let's take a look at an example of how it's used and break down how it works:

In this example:

  1. numbers is the original array containing numbers;
  2. .forEach is the method call on the numbers array;
  3. (number) => { console.log(number); } is the callback function that will be executed for each element in the array. In this case, it logs each element to the console.

It's important to note that the forEach method doesn't modify the original array and doesn't return a new one. It's designed for side effects like displaying content or updating other data.

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Зміст курсу

Introduction to TypeScript

`forEach` method`forEach` method

There's also a very interesting method called forEach() for working with array elements. It's an advanced topic for a beginner, but you definitely need to know about it. With this method, you can save a lot of time and reduce the number of lines of code. Let's take a look at an example of how it's used and break down how it works:

In this example:

  1. numbers is the original array containing numbers;
  2. .forEach is the method call on the numbers array;
  3. (number) => { console.log(number); } is the callback function that will be executed for each element in the array. In this case, it logs each element to the console.

It's important to note that the forEach method doesn't modify the original array and doesn't return a new one. It's designed for side effects like displaying content or updating other data.

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Секція 4. Розділ 8