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Scale the Features | Preprocessing Data with Scikit-learn
ML Introduction with scikit-learn

Scale the FeaturesScale the Features

In this challenge, you need to scale the features using StandardScaler. The data is a good old Penguins dataset (encoded and with no missing values).

Here is a little reminder of StandardScaler class.


  1. Import the StandardScaler class
  2. Initialize a StandardScaler object.
  3. Fit and transform the X using that object.

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ML Introduction with scikit-learn

Scale the FeaturesScale the Features

In this challenge, you need to scale the features using StandardScaler. The data is a good old Penguins dataset (encoded and with no missing values).

Here is a little reminder of StandardScaler class.


  1. Import the StandardScaler class
  2. Initialize a StandardScaler object.
  3. Fit and transform the X using that object.

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Секція 2. Розділ 11
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