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Evaluate the Model with Cross-Validation | Modeling
ML Introduction with scikit-learn
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ML Introduction with scikit-learn

ML Introduction with scikit-learn

1. Machine Learning Concepts
2. Preprocessing Data with Scikit-learn
3. Pipelines
4. Modeling

Evaluate the Model with Cross-Validation

In this challenge, you will build and evaluate a model using both train-test evaluation and cross-validation.
The data is an already preprocessed Penguins dataset.
Some functions you will use:


Build a 4-nearest neighbors classifier and evaluate its performance using the cross-validation score first, then split the data into train-test sets, train the model using the training set, and evaluate it using the test set.

  1. Initialize a KNeighborsClassifier with 4 neighbors.
  2. Calculate the cross-validation scores of this model with the number of folds set to 3.
    Note: you can pass an untrained model to a cross_val_score() function.
  3. Use a suitable function to split X, y.
  4. Train the model using the training set.
  5. Evaluate the model using the test set.


Build a 4-nearest neighbors classifier and evaluate its performance using the cross-validation score first, then split the data into train-test sets, train the model using the training set, and evaluate it using the test set.

  1. Initialize a KNeighborsClassifier with 4 neighbors.
  2. Calculate the cross-validation scores of this model with the number of folds set to 3.
    Note: you can pass an untrained model to a cross_val_score() function.
  3. Use a suitable function to split X, y.
  4. Train the model using the training set.
  5. Evaluate the model using the test set.

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Секція 4. Розділ 5
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Evaluate the Model with Cross-Validation

In this challenge, you will build and evaluate a model using both train-test evaluation and cross-validation.
The data is an already preprocessed Penguins dataset.
Some functions you will use:


Build a 4-nearest neighbors classifier and evaluate its performance using the cross-validation score first, then split the data into train-test sets, train the model using the training set, and evaluate it using the test set.

  1. Initialize a KNeighborsClassifier with 4 neighbors.
  2. Calculate the cross-validation scores of this model with the number of folds set to 3.
    Note: you can pass an untrained model to a cross_val_score() function.
  3. Use a suitable function to split X, y.
  4. Train the model using the training set.
  5. Evaluate the model using the test set.


Build a 4-nearest neighbors classifier and evaluate its performance using the cross-validation score first, then split the data into train-test sets, train the model using the training set, and evaluate it using the test set.

  1. Initialize a KNeighborsClassifier with 4 neighbors.
  2. Calculate the cross-validation scores of this model with the number of folds set to 3.
    Note: you can pass an untrained model to a cross_val_score() function.
  3. Use a suitable function to split X, y.
  4. Train the model using the training set.
  5. Evaluate the model using the test set.

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Секція 4. Розділ 5
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Evaluate the Model with Cross-Validation

In this challenge, you will build and evaluate a model using both train-test evaluation and cross-validation.
The data is an already preprocessed Penguins dataset.
Some functions you will use:


Build a 4-nearest neighbors classifier and evaluate its performance using the cross-validation score first, then split the data into train-test sets, train the model using the training set, and evaluate it using the test set.

  1. Initialize a KNeighborsClassifier with 4 neighbors.
  2. Calculate the cross-validation scores of this model with the number of folds set to 3.
    Note: you can pass an untrained model to a cross_val_score() function.
  3. Use a suitable function to split X, y.
  4. Train the model using the training set.
  5. Evaluate the model using the test set.


Build a 4-nearest neighbors classifier and evaluate its performance using the cross-validation score first, then split the data into train-test sets, train the model using the training set, and evaluate it using the test set.

  1. Initialize a KNeighborsClassifier with 4 neighbors.
  2. Calculate the cross-validation scores of this model with the number of folds set to 3.
    Note: you can pass an untrained model to a cross_val_score() function.
  3. Use a suitable function to split X, y.
  4. Train the model using the training set.
  5. Evaluate the model using the test set.

Все було зрозуміло?

In this challenge, you will build and evaluate a model using both train-test evaluation and cross-validation.
The data is an already preprocessed Penguins dataset.
Some functions you will use:


Build a 4-nearest neighbors classifier and evaluate its performance using the cross-validation score first, then split the data into train-test sets, train the model using the training set, and evaluate it using the test set.

  1. Initialize a KNeighborsClassifier with 4 neighbors.
  2. Calculate the cross-validation scores of this model with the number of folds set to 3.
    Note: you can pass an untrained model to a cross_val_score() function.
  3. Use a suitable function to split X, y.
  4. Train the model using the training set.
  5. Evaluate the model using the test set.

Секція 4. Розділ 5
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